August Book Review

It’s BOOK REVIEW DAY!!!! Woohoo! This month I read FIVE books! Three of which I read while in Vail or on the way home from Vail, so LOTS of reading has been done this month!! Since we were traveling and getting ready for school to start back, I decided to go easy on myself and […]

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What’s Up Wednesday?

Happy What’s Up Wednesday! This is the second time that I’ve linked up with Mix and Match Mama and Sheaffer Told Me To. This was so fun back in June that I think I may make this a fun, regular thing. My biggest thing for What’s Up Wednesday?!?!?! Today is DAY 3 of school being […]

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Friday Favorites: Back to School

It’s Friday! Woohoo! This is also the 24th Friday in a row that my kids haven’t been in school. Yes, I counted. But, today, is the last Friday before my kids go back to school. Into the building where teachers actually teach. It’s happening, friends! Our “six months of summer” is coming to an end […]

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Amazon Lately

Happy Wednesday, friends. Is anyone else obsessed with Amazon? Does anyone else think that they should have invested in Amazon prior to quarantine? I feel like half of my life this year was stocked by Amazon orders. Earlier this summer, we had been getting our neighbor’s mail while they were out of town. The day […]

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Friday Favorites: Colorado

Oh Colorado. How I love you. More specifically, Vail. One of our happy places. Back in 2017, after we had lost Sophie, Reid & I knew that we needed to get away. Just the two of us. We did our research, and then decided to spend a long weekend in Vail, Colorado. We were SO […]

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How is it August 11th?

Hi friends! How is it almost mid-August? Where has this year gone? I mean, I’ve sat inside my own house for most of the year, but it has flown by. We are back from our time in Colorado, and slowly getting back to business. In Colorado, we spent days relaxing in 75 degree weather. It’s […]

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