How is it August 11th?

Hi friends! How is it almost mid-August? Where has this year gone? I mean, I’ve sat inside my own house for most of the year, but it has flown by.

We are back from our time in Colorado, and slowly getting back to business. In Colorado, we spent days relaxing in 75 degree weather. It’s supposed to be 104 degrees in Dallas today. So, there is that!

My boys start back to school in 13 days. Back to school in person in 13 days. Their Spring Break is finally ending after 165 days.

We go to a small private school, and I am 100% confident in the plans and procedures that have taken place in order to make this environment safe for my kids and their teachers.

Looking back on the last 100+ days, I know that they were rough for some of us.

You moms out there with babies and toddlers, bless you. I have prayed for you. Being stuck inside your house with small children is hard. I mean, a walk through the aisles of Target with your kid in a stroller is life-affirming at times. Am I right?

And, you moms out there with older children that missed out on graduations or big events, I have prayed for you. Such a hard time to parent when your kids are missing these big experiences.

BUT . . . in the midst of this storm, I have worked hard (sometimes not quite successfully) at finding the blessings. These 165 days will be something that I always cherish when I think back to getting to spend so much time with my kids.

So, as I near the end of our “Spring Break”, I have been putting together a list of the blessings in the storm of 2020.

I guess I should first let you know my FAILS during this storm. I’m sure that I could come up with more, but here my main two:

  1. My goal mid-March was to become an expert yoga person. A yogi? I’ve always liked the concept, but never understood the strange position names, flow, etc. So, being sheltered in place was my time to be the next amazing yoga student. I downloaded an app. I did it twice. I haven’t looked at it since April. It puts out a musical reminder on my phone every night at 7pm to tell me that my practice is about to begin. I could say that it is mocking me, but I just choose to enjoy my 7pm alarm.
  2. My other goal mid-March was to learn Spanish. I downloaded the Babel app on my phone (SO EASY!), and Harlan and I both went to daily lessons. We got about a week or so in, when he started complaining that it was boring. And, then I found better things to do than sit through a lesson. I’m more bummed about this one than the yoga. I was really pumped about having full on conversations in Spanish with my friends at Mi Cocina. One day, I’ll learn.

But, since this is all about blessings . . . here are mine! My blessings in this storm!

  1. More time with my boys! Bike rides, nature walks, board games, teaching them to cook, teaching them how to do laundry!!! So many things. We are SO busy running with sports, and to slow down to a dead stop and hang out with my sweet boys in the backyard . . . just heart-warming. You know its a big day when your twelve year old asks to snuggle. I’ve gotten lots of snuggles these last almost 165 days. I want to keep that part going.
  2. I read so many amazing books! FRIENDS! I hear so many moms tell me that they have zero time to read. I fit reading into the most random parts of my days, and that escape makes me a better mom. Now, my boys are 12 and 9, so reading with them playing on their own for a bit is different when dealing with toddlers. But, I highly encourage picking up a book and diving in. Also, quick note to check out the “Books” tab on my blog. My monthly book reviews are one of my favorite posts, and are full of great recommendations. If you need something specific, I’m your girl!
  3. I learned to cook . . . kind of. I guess I should say that I found a cookbook where I can actually follow instructions and make something turn out well. Cooking three meals a day for your people on a regular basis is a lot, am I right? My “Quarantine Cookbook” is The Defined Dish. Check it out on Amazon, if you need some extra help in the kitchen. Healthy, easy, and your kids won’t complain!
  4. I prayed. Man, did I pray. LOTS of things to pray about these days, and I really found myself on my knees in front of God.

What are your blessings in the midst of this storm? What do you hope to keep in your heart as we move back into school?

I know that the entire concept of school going back is a hard one for so many right now. So many fears, so many frustrations. I pray that you all stay safe, healthy, and happy. And, think about those blessings.

What are your blessings? I’d love to hear!

God bless.

~ Shawna
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