January Book Review

It’s BOOK REVIEW DAY!!!! I love these posts! So, let me just say that I read three books for this review this month. Now . . . I read MANY, MANY others. My boys go to a precious, little private school here in Dallas, and we have Reading Rally each year from mid-January through early February. The goal is to raise money for our school’s scholarship fund, and to get these kiddos reading amazing literature. So, during the three and half week event, to get a “gold medal”, Harlan has to read 2,600 minutes and Jackson has to read 3,500 minutes. Go ahead and read that sentence again. It sounds insane, doesn’t it? They do a lot of the reading on their own, but, it is always such a sweet time, snuggled by the fire, drinking hot chocolate, and my reading to them. So, besides the books below, I can give you fabulous reviews on Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone, Little Pilgrim’s Progress, The Great Quarterback Switch, and The Green Ember. Seriously, I have read all four in the last two weeks. It has been a special time, but someone send me a bottle of wine. And coffee.

So, onto the ACTUAL book review for today’s post. I can say that I have never read three books in one month that are so very different from one another. I loved it!

The Woman in the Window by A.J. Finn

Wowza! I started 2019 with this amazing book! A sweet friend recommended it to me at the end of last year. I finally pulled it out just after the New Year, and I was NOT disappointed! This is probably one of the top 5 suspense books that I have ever read. It pulled you in, had some twists and turns, kept you on the edge of your seat, and even had me gasping and saying “What the?” a couple of times. AND . . . bonus, it didn’t make me crazy anxious or make me scared to fall asleep. You know that I hate books like that. The Woman in the Window is about Dr. Anna Fox, a former child psychologist. Anna lives in New York City, and due to a bad moment in her life, she has extreme PTSD and is unable to leave the house. She has been house-bound for almost a year, only chats with her husband and daughter, and then sees the outside world through her camera as she watches the neighbors and world go by at her living room window. Y’all . . . just WOWZA. I am very honest with you guys if a book is way too scary or will make it hard to fall asleep. This is just a GREAT book. Super entertaining. I told Reid that I hope they make this into a movie. It would amazing. Click here to grab a copy of this for yourself. Trust me, you want to read this!

Just One of the Guys by Kristan Higgins

Y’all know that I was studying for my Texas Real Estate license this month, so I needed an easy, light-hearted story to take down my stress level. And, who is my go to for miracles such a this? That’s right, Kristan Higgins! She DOES NOT disappoint in the love story department. EVER! The story is about Chastity O’Neill, a thirty-one-year old journalist, that just moved back to her hometown to take a great job at the local newspaper. She is quite well-known being the only girl in a family of five older and protective brothers, and she is still slightly in love with Trevor Meade. When Trevor’s family basically imploded in high school, Chastity’s family took him in and he has become a part of the family. But, Trevor and Chastity have remained somewhere in between friends and more for many years. Such a sweet book. Kristan Higgins has a way with creating these big and boisterous families that you want to become a part of, precious towns that you want to move to, and hilarious and well-mannered dogs that you want to adopt. Like I always say, a Hallmark movie in a book. Total chick lit. And, I love EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of it! And, just to put it out there . . . all of her books have a little sexy time in them. Nothing outrageous, just scenarios that are not always for the PG crowd. If you know what I mean. I don’t usually warn people, but I know people like to be warned from time to time. I loved this book. Loved, Loved, Loved. Click here to grab it for yourself!

The Dinner List by Rebecca Serle

This book was EVERYWHERE at the end of last year. I felt like it was all over social media, and people were chatting about it throughout the holidays. Quite frankly, when I first heard about it, I had zero interest in reading it. But, after picking out some new books for myself, I decided to pull the trigger after reading that it was a “quick read”. You know how I love a quick read. So, let me just say this . . . this was probably one of the most interesting books that I have ever read. My mission is to convince my best friend to read this because (1) she currently isn’t interested in reading it, and (2) I need her to read it so that we can discuss!!!!! So, GO GET IT! 😉

The story revolves around Sabrina. When Sabrina and Jessica (her best friend) were 19 years old, Jessica convinced her to make a list of five people – dead or alive – that she would love to have dinner with one day. She wrote it on a post it note, has changed two names over the years, and kept this little keepsake with her through the ups and downs of life. On Sabrina’s birthday, she goes to meet Jessica at a nice restaurant, walks in, and the entire list is sitting at a table waiting for her. One of them is Audrey Hepburn, so clearly not everyone is actually living in current times. This book was SO SO SO (and many more SOs) INTERESTING! Every other chapter was the actual dinner going from 7pm through midnight, and the chapters in between were stories of her life and how she came to pick each person on the list. The author also never explains this situation outside of its just her birthday dinner with these amazing people. There is no explanation of is this real, is it not, what will happen tomorrow. Ya’ll know that I love closure in a book, but I feel like an explanation would have tainted the story in some way. I feel in love with this book. Just a beautiful surprise, and I am so glad that I read this precious book. I highly recommend this to all of you. And, remember, a quick and easy read!! Click here to grab yourself a copy!

As always, send me your suggestions. Reid and I are going out of town next month on a little date weekend, and I need some book ideas!!!!! I already have the BRAND NEW Kristan Higgins that I just received. SO excited about that one! Happy reading! XO

~ Shawna
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