Baby Quest Foundation

Happy Monday! Let me just say on a personal note that . . . MY KIDS ARE BOTH IN SCHOOL TODAY!!!! This may sound strange, but I have had at least one of my sweet boys home sick from school since Monday, February 11th. Y’all . . . three weeks of sickness. Just so thrilled that they are healthy and back at school this morning. I am also thrilled that I do not home school my children. You ladies (and men) that do that . . . you are rock stars. I mean, you should have seen me trying to work a protractor one week and then teaching pronouns the next. I am a smart girl, but Google was definitely my friend.

But . . . onto the reason for today’s post. I posted about Baby Quest Foundation on my Lunchbox Babies Instagram page last week, but this organization needs MUCH more than just one IG post.

As we have discussed before, infertility is EXPENSIVE!!!!! Having Harlan cost about $50 because I worked for a large consulting firm, and I had amazing insurance coverage that included infertility treatments and medicines! Such a gift. After that, however, I left the firm and the insurance, and infertility became SO SO SO SO EXPENSIVE! And, then if you get pregnant and have a miscarriage, the emotional aspect is SO huge, but then so is the realization that all of that lost money that you just spent for heartbreak.

I have always believed that there should be a better way to help couples become parents. A way to make infertility treatments more affordable for those that don’t have insurance or are not able to spend the thousands of dollars on procedures, medicines, and doctor appointments. Enter Baby Quest Foundation. I am excited that I found this amazing LA-based organization that is helping couples have babies! Check out their mission statement.

Mission Statement

Baby Quest Foundation provides financial assistance through fertility grants to those who cannot afford the high costs of procedures such as IVF (in vitro fertilization), gestational surrogacy, egg and sperm donation, egg freezing, and embryo donation. We do not fund IUI procedures.


Patricia and Nicole, a mother-daughter duo, created Baby Quest after Nicole went through infertility challenges. Their personal experience with infertility led to the creation of this foundation. Patricia, Nicole, and their team gave the first two grants in March 2012. Since then, they have awarded 97 grants (more after March 13th.) There are currently 68 Baby Quest “produced” babies throughout the country with several more on the way and others still to undergo treatment. Baby Quest has awarded approximately $1.6 million in grants over the years! Isn’t that SO AMAZING!


Please check out Baby Quest Foundation for more information! The website will walk you through how to apply for the grants. Please forward onto anyone that you think would benefit from one of these. This could be what helps make someone a mom or dad! So exciting! And, hurry . . . deadline is March 13th!


~ Shawna
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