This is kind of a big day for me and for Lunchbox Babies! One year ago today, I went live with my blog. One year ago today, I shared my story with the world and opened my heart to the Internet.

I spent months praying and agonizing over jumping of the cliff with this blog. MONTHS! Three months before I finally went live, I was chatting with a dear friend’s mom about Lunchbox Babies. She said, “If your blog only last six months, and you have touched one person with your story, would it be worth it?” When I replied that it absolutely would be worth it, she told me that I had to do it.

Now, a year later, and Lunchbox Babies has been so many things to me. It has helped me heal from such deep heartache and loss. It has given me the opportunity to use my darkest pain and let others know that they are not alone. It has blessed me with getting to know a very large community of women that have walked the same road that I have walked. And, last but not least, it has given me the ability to talk with women that are walking the road of infertility and loss right now. To let me pray for them, let me chat with them, and let me love on them. For me, Lunchbox Babies has been such a blessing in my own life.

As I enter into the next year of this blog, I look forward to growing our community even more. I have SO loved the realization that you guys seem to enjoy my book reviews and obsession with products as much as I do! But, this will continue to be a place where women that are struggling with infertility and loss can come, share their stories, be prayed over, and feel love. We are not alone in this. We rise by lifting others.

Thank you to my dearest friends and family that helped to push me off this cliff a year ago. Thank you to sweet Reid for his grace and support, especially since the story I share is half his. And, thank you to all of that have found me over this past year, have walked this road with me, and shared your stories with me.

Here we go . . . jumping off the cliff for the second year in a row.

~ Shawna
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