National Grief Awareness Day

When I started this blog in March of last year, I discovered all kinds of things that were out there in the big, bad internet. For example, did y’all know that there are MULTIPLE “National Days” each and every day?

Some are popular on social media – How many of you posted a picture of your precious dog on National Dog Day this past Tuesday? I know I did!

Some are super goofy – September 19th is “National Talk Like A Pirate Day”. I’ll be working on my pirate voice to annoy my children if anyone needs me this weekend! 😉

And, some are very important. Like today. It is National Grief Awareness Day. Not a fun “holiday” to celebrate, but one that reminds us to take care of each other. And, take care of ourselves.

We all have issues. No one is exempt from a hard time every once in awhile. But, there are hard times. And, then there is grief. Oh grief. You are literally the worst.

When we lost Sophie in 2017, grief opened me up and tried to swallow me whole. I think I walked knee deep in grief for a a couple of months, and then slowly, but surely tried to claw my way out of that hole. It was hard. It was painful. But I got to the other side.

Today, check on your friends that are struggling. Grief comes in waves. Everyone experiences grief differently. I have struggled with grief by hysterically crying on my bathroom floor and then by also plastering a smile on my face and trying to just make it through the day like everything is fine. Check on your people.

Grief also takes time to work through. I read once that “grief is just love with no place to go.” You have so much love to give to someone or something, but have no actual outlet for that love. Ugh, grief is the worst. Am I right?

If you are in that hole right now. Or trying to climb out it. YOU ARE STRONG. You will be okay. You are loved.

If you are know someone that is grieving, check on them! Grief does not end when life gets back to normal for everyone else. Check on that friend of yours. Days, weeks, months later.

Praying for you today, friends. If ANY OF YOU need someone to talk to, please reach out to me. I would love to be another ear for you during your time of grief. And, please know, this will pass. Life will get better. You are strong.

Much love. XO

~ Shawna
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