February: Give Me All The Products!

Happy Thursday, y’all! Today is my second favorite post of the month! GIVE ME ALL THE PRODUCTS! I cracked up after last month’s inaugural post with this segment, because so many of you messaged me with your favorite products. Some I am currently trying, so thank you!

For this month, I really had a hard time finding the bad products. I mean, there are too many great things out there right now!

So, here we go. And, please let me know your thoughts on these products. I can’t wait to hear from you again!


I love Glotrition! After SOOO many bloggers were talking about this miracle drink, I had to finally check it out last fall. This is a collagen peptide powder that you put in your bottle of water and drink on a daily basis. Now, there are several of these products out there right now. I tried a few, and several seem to make any drink you put it in taste like chalk. No, thank you on the chalk coffee each morning.

I have to saw that, for me, Glotrition is AMAZING! I love the taste, I love how easy it is, and I love the way my skin is feeling at the moment. I have seen this product at a couple of spas, but I grab mine on Amazon!

After spending the first six weeks of the year celebrating my brother-in-law’s engagement, I have really been trying to concentrate on whole foods. I didn’t think that I could ever have too many steaks, Mexican food, or wine. I found out that I was incorrect on that one, and was ready to feel better again. And, while eating clean, whole foods sounds nice, sometimes when I am running around, I need something easy to grab. Enter the LaraBar. The Cashew Cookie bar is made of cashews and dates. That’s it. Two things! I have become obsessed with these bars, and keep one in my purse on busy days. Larabar has a ton of other flavors, but start with the Cashew Cookie! YUUUUUMMMMMMY! Also, I am sensitive to nuts. My stomach isn’t a big fan of downing cashews out of a jar, but this bar does not bother me at all. Just a FYI if you are similar to me in that aspect. Try this bar! I have been finding mine at Tom Thumb and Central Market, although you can also find on Amazon!

I have shared my love for Peter Thomas Roth before. His masks are always so fun, and make you feel like you are taking 10 or 15 minutes doing something really great for your skin. My VERY favorite mask is the Pumpkin Enzyme Mask! I always save this for when I have been traveling, I have been sick, or my skin is just in desperate need. This bad boy feels like I am having some professional treatment at a spa. It tingles a little bit, which I always take as a good sign. When I rinse it off, my face is smoother, a little plumper in the good areas, and super clean. HIGHLY recommend. You can buy at Ulta or on Amazon.

This stuff is THE BOMB! Sweet Mariah from Eleven Wellness told me about this exfoliating miracle, and I have never looked back! You slather this mask on your face, wait 15-20 minutes, and then when you wash it off, all of the nastiness comes with it. You know those stubborn black heads on your nose that WILL NOT GO AWAY? Try Revision Skincare’s Black Mask. Seriously. Sometimes it takes a couple of applications, but your skin will be baby smooth and all of the impurities will be gone. Basically like an affordable and easy at-home version of the Hydrofacial. I mean, not really . . . but you get super clean skin. It’s amazing! I get mine at Eleven Wellness!


A friend gave this M-61 Power Glow Peel to me for my birthday a few years ago, and I really liked it. I have bought a couple of times since, but each time I question my sanity. First, it is on the expensive side. Second, it is not a miracle worker. I am really not sure what it even does, but you throw some words with “acid” in them and tell me that it will help, I will try it. The last time I bought this was in the fall, and the sales woman at Blue Mercury told me that the product was their best seller and that I should be able to see a difference the day after I used it. Did I see a difference? Maybe? Probably not? I really don’t think that this does anything, but I could be wrong? Do any of you use this? Do you love it? I have gotten mine at Blue Mercury, but you can also order on Amazon.


I am just SO sad to include a Kiehl’s product in this category. I always like the Kiehl’s products that I try, but I really don’t think that they are strong enough for me anymore. This firming mask was recommended to me by someone with AMAZING skin. She is also ten years younger than me, so she has a bit of a leg up in the skin department. The good? This overnight mask smells great. Really great. The bad? My hair gets all stuck up in this mask and I feel like I continually wake up throughout the night either peeling myself off of my now dirty pillow or unsticking hair from my cheek. The horrible? While my face may be soft and dewy in the morning, I also look like I have a strange skin disease. The mask always starts to peel sometime in the night, and it looks like Hannibel Lector has woken up and his face is falling off. Somehow I have only scared Reid once with this stuff. I am sure that it works great for some people – I do love Kiehl’s products – but this one is just not for me.


That’s it for GIVE ME ALL THE PRODUCTS for this month! I love this new segment!

What are y’all using that you love? That you hate? Send me all the recommendations for the products!

Have a great rest of your week! XO

~ Shawna
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