Friday Favorites

Happy Friday AND Happy Spring Break! WOOOHOOO! By the time you read this, my crew will officially be on vacation! I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!

We are going on a little Spring Break adventure. They are pumped, we are pumped. Praying for smooth travels and no injuries over here. And, praying that all of you stay safe and healthy during these crazy times!

So, today is a SUPER FUN Friday Favorites post. I am celebrating an anniversary next week AND I have found a couple of things that you just have to try! Enjoy!!


Next Thursday, March 19th, will mark the two year anniversary of Lunchbox Babies! Two years since I sat in front of my computer with tears in my eyes, and finally hit “publish”. Two years since I decided to use my heartbreaking experience to be a voice for the infertility and loss community.

This blog has grown so much in two years, and I am so honored that all of you are along for the ride. Some of you just come hang out for the book reviews. Others come to see the posts on surviving infertility and loss. No matter why you come hang out at Lunchbox Babies . . . thank you! Thank you for joining me on this ride! SO much love to all of you!


Did you see my post from Tuesday? Confessions of Being Whole30-ish? You guys CRACK ME UP! I got so many messages about your experiences with going Whole30. Without the “ish”, it is hard. Am I right? So, keep the funny stories coming AND any recipes/food ideas that you want to share. Full disclosure that I dove knee deep into a plate of nachos on Tuesday night, and regretted it immediately. Back on the Whole30-ish bandwagon, and going to see if I can ride this train on through Spring Break!


Friends. This is a HUGE public service announcement to all of my ladies out there. I discovered years ago that I look my best (1) when I am tan, and (2) when I have fake lashes on. True story. I long ago gave up my dream of thick luscious lashes because I am such a mess with putting them on by myself. The glue gets in my eye, my eye make up is everywhere, and I end up arriving late and super frustrated to wherever I am headed. So, I gave up! UNTIL . . . a very clever blogger shared her love of the Eylure Pre-Glued Lashes. Friends. Can I get an AMEN?!?!?! I found these bad boys at Ulta, although I have heard a rumor that they also sell them at the Mother Ship. Aka Target.

These are SUUUUUPER easy to put on, with absolutely ZERO mess. I wore them on a mid-week date night with my husband, and LOVED them. Not only did I rock these all night, but I slept in them, wore them to Pilates the next day, and was still loving them at carpool. Almost 24 hours of supermodel lashes, people! I immediately went to Ulta and grabbed two more boxes, and am saving these for the next fun night out.

OH, and the best part about it . . . one pair is less than $5!!!! Love, love, love!


Over the last week, I have been nursing an annoying muscle pain from a recent workout. A friend mentioned her love and devotion to ozone sauna therapy, and I was immediately interested. As she said, “this is right up your alley, Shawna”. My people know me so well! Ha!

I did a little research and discovered that ozone therapies have something like 100 proven health benefits. It detoxes your body, increases circulation, and stimulates blood cells for added energy and nutrient absorption. And, that is only the tip of the iceberg! It also great for auto-immune issues, anxiety, etc.

So, on Tuesday morning, I made an appointment at the new Ozone Bar in Dallas. I chose the “Ozone Sauna” treatment, and sat in a sauna pod that not only heated to 110 degrees, but then pumped in pure oxygen at the same time. My thirty minute appointment went by super quickly as I watched the Today Show and had a sweet girl that kept bringing me water and checking on me.

Here is my initial thought on this . . . I normally need a little iced tea pick me up mid-afternoon and I am usually exhausted and ready for bed by 10. I had SO much energy on Tuesday, didn’t need any afternoon caffeine, and forced myself to go to bed at 11:30. AND, my sore muscle didn’t bother me ALL DAY. I will definitely be doing this again!

I feel like there are several of these that are popping up around town. So, if you are in Dallas, check out The Ozone Bar. And, if you are outside of Dallas, see if there is one in your area.


I am going to take a little blogging break next week while I am hanging with me people. But, please head on over to my Lunchbox Babies Instagram page as I am sure I will be posting a ton! Safe travels for those of you heading out today! XO

~ Shawna
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