Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends! I don’t know about you, but I am ready for the weekend! I have been to Tom Thumb once this week, and picked up food curbside at Jersey Mike’s twice, but man I need a break. Ha! I guess just ready for a little homeschool break, and some good old-fashioned relaxation!

I have FOUR Friday Favorites today . . . two of which you need to order ASAP! Immediately. Trust me!


Years from now, when someone asks me what I remember most about the quarantine of 2020, I will talk about our trip to Lake Travis. Y’all. I am going to say that this was one of our best ideas EVER!

After multiple weeks in lock down, my family rented a house on Lake Travis through VRBO. We drove the three hours to our little getaway last Wednesday, and then stayed until Sunday afternoon. IT.WAS.PERFECT.

We homeschooled with a view of the lake and we worked by the pool. It was such a nice change of pace for our family. So dreamy. It definitely filled our cups, and got us back in the right frame of mind to keep trucking through these uncertain times.


Okay . . . this is one of those BUY IMMEDIATELY items that I mentioned above. A dear friend mentioned this to me a few weeks ago, and after her glowing recommendation (and her glowing skin flaunting itself), I ordered as fast as I could!

Salad Days is a resurfacing peel that they recommend using twice a week, but it is safe for everyday use.

One of my biggest issues is dry, aging skin and clogged pores. I exfoliate like everyone tells me to, and I am a huge dermaplane addict. However, Salad Days takes everything I have been doing, and takes it to a whole new level!

You wash your clean face with this miracle product, and dead skin just starts peeling off. It is crazy (and slightly addictive) to see, and the finished product is clean, clear, and smooth skin. I AM OBSESSED! And, at only $30, I think we should all have this in our arsenal. Especially in the summer, when I am always the hardest on my skin.


If you follow my Lunchbox Babies Instagram account, then you know I spent the first few days of this week on a juice cleanse from Raw Juicery.

I am not a stranger to the juice cleanse. While I don’t do them on a regular basis, I think a reset once or twice a year is a great way to get back on track after going a bit wild with the food and drinks. Quarantine for me has been a whirlwind of eating and drinking whenever I feel like it, and not really paying too much attention to health. I was in desperate need of this cleanse.

This was the first time that I ordered from Raw Juicery. My fave juice place is currently closed due to the quarantine, and the other places I have ordered from aren’t the best. I have a hard time spending money when I can’t stomach half of the products they send to me.

So, I tried a new place . . . Raw Juicery! They are affordable and easy to deal with. I received seven juices per day for three days. Let me say that I LOOOOOVED 1 of them, really liked 2 of them, kind of liked 2 of them, and then could not handle 2 of them – AT ALL! Now all of us are different, and what you can handle, I may struggle with. For example . . . I HATE beets! Hate them. So, the Red Cure juice with beets was a NO GO for me. I tried. I really did. I actually tried it on a Zoom call and literally had to go out of the frame to hide the look on my face.

I finished out the cleanse, and while I did supplement with some clean food (and some low sugar wine on Wednesday night – don’t judge me!), I really feel great. If you are looking for a cleanse/detox to get you back on track, I recommend Raw Juicery. OH . . . and, my kids LOVED keeping me on track with this cleanse. So, a great, family activity for the quarantine? Ha!


So, this is the 2nd thing that you have to go buy ASAP! The amazing Revlon Hair Brush Dryer.

I have natural curly hair, so I love my roll brush. Over the last few years, I have noticed that no matter how much I work my roll brush, my hair can still come out kind of frizzy and wonky looking. I am outside a TON with the boys’ sports, so maybe my hair is just super damaged. Whatever it is, I have been looking for the fix for awhile now.

Enter the best friend who told me that this hair dryer was the bomb! She was SO right!

It is so easy, a one stop shop. And, your hair looks salon shiny when you are finished. I took this with me to Lake Travis, and I have to say that it made everything easier for me to get ready quickly.

I HIGHLY suggest this for all of you girls. Coming into the summer months where we are outside more, it will be super helpful to everyone! Woohoo!


That’s it for this Friday, y’all! I wish all of the moms out there a VERY Happy Mother’s Day. If you are struggling with infertility or loss right now, check out my post from Tuesday. Thinking about you all! XO

~ Shawna
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