Happy National Infertility Awareness Week!

Happy Monday! I hope that y’all had a great weekend.  I would first like to thank Heather MacFadyen of GodCentered Mom.  I am on her podcast today, and am excited to share my story of faith and hope amidst infertility and loss.  Very thankful for Heather and the amazing content she continually provides on her podcasts! Click here to listen to the podcast!

And . . . drumroll please . . . Happy National Infertility Awareness Week! I doubt that there are any Hallmark cards created for this week, but this week is so important in the growing discussion of infertility.  Infertility is often a misunderstood condition, and we don’t talk about it casually over dinner with friends.  The goal of NIAW is to “raise awareness about infertility, to encourage grassroots advocacy, and help couples with infertility cope with their disease.”  There is also hope that during the NIAW, lawmakers can work with insurance companies to include infertility coverage.  Currently, only 15 states have the availability of infertility insurance coverage.  And, some large corporations offer it as well.  It is no surprise that infertility treatments are EXPENSIVE! I worked at a large consulting firm when we first started trying to get pregnant.  I like to say that Harlan cost about $50 because my infertility insurance was so amazing! But . . . Jackson and every other pregnancy I had help with? That ranch that Reid has always wanted? All of that money went to infertility treatments.  Sorry babe!

I hope that if you are struggling or have struggled with infertility or loss that you can use this week to share your story in an effort to help others.  I would encourage you to not feel ashamed, and just share your story with one person.  It can be a text to me if you want!  These stories shape who we are, and there is no need for the discussion of infertility to be on the backburner of your life or on the national stage.  So, Happy National Infertility Awareness Week! 😊



I love a quick devotional.  I try to read something each morning before the boys wake up for school, but there are times when it is during afternoon carpool.  I just try to fit it in.  I have the Jesus Calling app on my phone, and it is super quick.  I tend to feel like it is written just for me a few times a week.  Do you guys ever feel like that?  When we were desperately trying to get pregnant with Jackson, I had quite a bit of anxiety.  I found a devotional that had the quote “The task ahead of you is never as great as the power behind you.” AMEN! I have no idea what book I found this quote in (if any of you happen to know, please tell me!!!!), but it became my mantra for years.  To this day, if anyone is having a rough time, I send this quote to them.

So, to go along with my new favorite holiday week, I wanted to tell you guys about this amazing devotional that I have been reading.  100 Days to Brave by Annie Downs.  I wouldn’t necessary call myself brave.  I would say that I am strong, but brave?!?! The most brave thing I have done in years was to launch this blog.  Lots and lots of prayer and positive self talk helped me jump off that cliff, and Annie’s book has been so helpful.  We are all brave, we all have our gifts.  I highly recommend this book to anyone and everybody.  We all need help with being brave and courageous, and Annie will have you fired up and feeling great! I wish that I had had this book years ago when being brave was something I felt too weak to attempt.  This would be a great Mothers Day gift or graduation gift! Click here to order if you want to check it out!

And, again Happy National Infertility Awareness Week! So much love for those that have walked this infertility road.  This week is for us! 😊 XOXO



~ Shawna
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