Finding Your Word for 2021!

Happy Monday, friends!

Each month on the 11th, I post an article for a group called Moms Encouraging Moms. It has been such a treat to be a part of this group of women. This morning I posted the post below, and I really wanted to share it here as well.



Happy New Year, friends!

One tradition that my family of four has is finding ONE word that is going to be the theme of the new year. You have to pick your word, and then explain how you will manage this new theme of your life.

It started out as a fun conversation around the fire pit a few years ago, but turned into being a meaningful conversation about life and the goals we set for ourselves.

Of course, we still have our normal resolutions each year. Harlan has a resolution that he won’t talk back or be sassy and Jackson claims he will finally find a vegetable that he likes this year. Here’s to hoping both of those are realities!

But, the word. The ONE word. That is our tradition.

For me, it helped define where I need to be.

It started for us a few years ago. You see, 2017 broke me. Broke me. I lost one baby girl at 5 months pregnant, one baby boy at 3 months, and then decided to close up shop for good with Reid’s vasectomy.

2017 broke me.

2018 worked to truly heal me, and I knew that I needed a word going into 2019 that defined my journey and would allow myself even more healing and growth. So, my word of 2019 was WORK. Boring right? I know. But, it sounded great sitting around the fire pit after a glass of wine! 😉

So, in 2019 I worked on myself.

In 2020, my word was STRENGTH! My goal was that the theme of my life in 2020 would be strength in all aspects of my life. I would be stronger physically, stronger emotionally, and stronger in my faith. Little did I know that I would also need to have STRENGTH as a home-school teacher and a as a survivor of a global pandemic. Yikes!

So, after much thought, my word of the year for 2021 is FREEDOM!

Freedom to escape this global pandemic, and get back to living normal! Am I right?

Freedom to live by faith.

Freedom to make a mistake, and to not be too hard on myself. That one is a difficult one for me!

Freedom with my health. I spent the last few months of 2020 concentrating on my health, and I want to continue to feel great as I go into each day. It takes several small positive choices each day, but I want to keep going in that direction. Sometimes I get it right, sometimes wrong, but always moving forward. To sleep better, play with my boys, have fun, wear any clothes I want, financial freedom, time freedom. All of it!

We can’t change our situation, we can only figure out how to live in it peacefully. And, in 2021, I want to have FREEDOM in my pursuits to make my life the best it can possibly be.

What is your word of 2021? What will the theme be for your life this new year?

I challenge you to sit down with your family and find your word. Find a word for just yourself, or find a word for your family.

Let me know what word you choose! You guys always inspire me, so I can’t wait to get the comments, texts, and messages!

Have a great week!

~ Shawna
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