July/August Book Review

Happy Book Review Day! I said back in my January/February Book Review that I wouldn’t combine the months again, and here I am doing it again. Sorry y’all!

In July, we went out of town for two weeks, and I brought three books with me. All three books sat on my nightstand, and I NEVER even touched them. For two weeks. Very unlike me, but I think the sign of a lovely time away!

However . . . before the trip and after, I was basically like this . . .

I read SEVEN books! And, I have the feels on all of them. Take a minute to grab your drink or snack of choice and buckle up. Here we go . . .

All Your Perfects by Colleen Hoover

I love Colleen Hoover! Love! Her books are of the chick lit genre, but offer a bit of depth with a serious topic or two. I have read and reviewed many of her books on my blog since I started these book reviews.

This book, y’all. This book is HEARTBREAKING! HEARTBREAKING! I had no idea the trigger it would be for me, and I just truly needed it to be over so that I could see how everything managed to be worked out. Poor Reid was so concerned about me while I was reading it. Sweet guy.

Graham and Quinn randomly meet when their respective partners are having an affair. Not the best way to meet, but it definitely forged a strong connection from the beginning. Now, seven years later, they are married and struggling. Each chapter goes from “Then” (telling their story of getting together and falling in love) to “Now” (telling their story of how their marriage has become so strained and the ways in which they are trying to manage moving forward).

The MAIN reason behind their struggles? A six-year struggle with infertility. I am not sure who in Colleen Hoover’s life has struggled with infertility, but she wrote this in such a true, raw, and heartbreaking way. While I am very much on the other side of my journey of infertility and loss, this book took me back and just made me think of how blessed I am that I have two miracle boys with me. While our infertility journey thankfully brought Reid and I together, I can’t help to think about how much it would have changed me (and us!) if six years had passed and we still had no success. Ugh! I clearly have so many thoughts on this book. Listen – I love Colleen Hoover, but this was a hard one for me solely based on the topic. 

If you have walked the road of infertility and loss, I am so sorry. I am here for you if you ever need anything. Just know that TRIGGER WARNING on this book for you. Big time. And did I mention this was heartbreaking?

On Dublin Street by Samantha Young

Samantha Young always writes precious, chick lit books that are easy to read with a dose of steaminess. Always such fun!

On Dublin Street follows Jocelyn as she is living her life in Scotland, having escaped her tragic past in the States. When she moves into a new apartment, she finds that her solitary life-living is in jeopardy with her new, talkative roommate. Also around her new place a ton? The roommate’s new brother. This is a really sweet (and rated R!) story of two people that have been hurt in the past, coming together to heal themselves and grow with one another. I loved all of the characters in this book. Easy read, y’all!

The Lies I Tell by Julie Clark

The Lies I Tell was SOOO intriguing! Kat Roberts, a journalist, had her life fall apart ten years ago when she was investigating a story about Meg Williams. Kat’s life went off the rails and she places the blame solely on Meg.

Meg Williams is just one of her many names, and she is a con artist that comes in and out of people’s lives and leaves empty bank accounts and destroyed lives in her wake.

Now, ten years later, Meg shows back up in Kat’s hometown with another target that she is trying to take down. Kat is determined to expose her and to rectify all that was destroyed in her own life. However, as the two become friends, the lines begin to blur as to who Meg’s target truly is and how much of Kat’s devastation was really her own fault.

Great female-centric thriller. I really enjoyed this one! Definitely had me thinking in terms of grey, rather than in black and white! Maybe not all con artists are truly bad? Hmmmm . . .

House of Earth and Blood
House of Sky and Breath
by Sarah J. Maas

Reid and I binge-watched all nine seasons of Game of Thrones this past spring, and something happened to me. I basically became obsessed with all things fantasy. I mean, I loved me some Twilight and Harry Potter back in the day but GOT put me over the edge. I thought I had my fill of it until people started trying to convince me of the greatness of Sarah J. Maas. And it happened y’all. You got me. Over the past few months, I have blogged about my obsession with the Court of Thorns and Roses five-book series from Sarah J. Maas. I have talked SO many of you into reading along with me, and I have LOVED your texts and DMs about your obsession as well. I mean who would have thought, right?

So, my sweet cousin (who I forced to read the series and she loves me for it!) read the Crescent City duo here and told me I had to read it. That it “mattered” in the scheme of things. She was very cryptic, but I have lost my mind and decided that reading 1000 plus pages over these two books was something I needed to do. Clearly, she was right! Because Y’ALL!!!!!!

These two books are based on a different planet than the Court of Thorns and Roses but has similar species of people and similar undertones. I felt like she eased us in with the original series and this took off like lightening from the first page. It is VERY detailed (it is truly amazing how this author’s mind works), but it sucks you in from the beginning.

Bryce Quinlan, half human and half Fae, is thrust into the spotlight as she is trying to track down secrets upon secrets upon secrets. Y’all . . . how do I even tell you anything else? How is that for a review? HA! Seriously, I can give nothing away, but I read this mainly because my cousin told me that by the end it is obvious there will be a crossover in the next book with Court of Thorns and Roses.

Great characters, lots of “Big Action” (as my Jackson calls war/action movies), sweet relationships, and crazy storylines. The 2nd book is a bit Rated R, FYI . . . but, if I talked you into reading her other series, this is pretty benign compared to that.

Just SOOOOO good. I am basically stalking the author’s Instagram to see when she will grace us with her next book! SARAH . . . I am desperate over here. Send help!

Broken French by Tasha Boyd

After the whirlwind that is my current Sarah J. Maas obsession, I needed an easy chick lit read. Something that I could read quickly and would make me smile and fall in love. Enter Broken French. This DID NOT DISAPPOINT, y’all!

Okay . . . so does this book have Rated R Hallmark Movie written all over it? Yes. But does this book also make me annoyed that I didn’t ditch my life in my younger days, take my high school French, and hang out in the Mediterranean for several weeks on a yacht? Also, yes!

Josie is an architect living in Charleston, and she is known for her passion in remodeling older buildings but keeping the character alive. Her career implodes on the day that she believes she is getting a promotion, and she is left with questions regarding what she wants to do, who she wants to be, and how she will escape family issues that seem to have ruined her name.

Xavier is a widowed single dad in the south of France that is desperately looking for a last-minute au pair to accompany he and his daughter on their summer trip in the Mediterranean. Enter Josie’s roommate – owner of a company that places nannies – that is desperate for this client and has Josie take the job in the midst of her existential crisis.

Broken hearted guy + confused girl doing her friend a favor + adorable 10-year-old girl + one luxury yacht = YES PLEASE!

Here is the deal . . . the scenery is exquisite and has me contemplating changing my beloved phone screen to a picture of one of the many small villages on the water. All of the characters are precious and so lovely . . . no matter how broken their past has made them. And, just all of it . . . UGH, y’all, I loved this one. Precious. Sweet. Easy read!

Things We Do in the Dark by Jennifer Hillier

Jennifer Hillier’s debut novel, Little Secrets, was the BEST thriller that I read last year, and I would NOT stop talking about it. I have lost track of the book because I have loaned it out so many times. Needless to say, that I was pumped when I heard her second book was arriving. Things We Do in the Dark does not disappoint, and I was in for all of the twists and turns.

Paris, a yoga instructor and studio owner in Seattle, has fallen in love with a retired comedian thirty years older than her. Despite their differences, they are married and live a quiet life away from the spotlight. That is until he signs a huge deal with Netflix’s competition to make his big comeback, and that is when Paris is forced into the spotlight as well. Along with all of her secrets and the past she ran away from. Another complication? Jimmy is murdered and she is charged with his murder.

SOOOO many layers to this one, and I just don’t want to give anything away. I love finding a great suspenseful book that doesn’t make me anxious. Great book!


Whew! That was a long one today! Let me know your thoughts on the books above! And, as always, send me your recommendations! Have a great week! XO

~ Shawna
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