Current Obsession: Summer Tan

I have come to the conclusion that I am just a better person when I am tan.  Sarcastic comment, but maybe a little bit of truth?!?! I am a bit more confident, my husband thinks I am cuter.  I know there are more of you out there that feel this way.  Hey, if you can’t tone it, tan it.  Am I right?

Let me set the record straight that I do not spend 365 days a year tan.  I just like to enjoy the natural look of an unnatural tan (does that even make sense?) during the summer months.  And possibly the late spring/early fall months, and maybe if a random event is thrown in during the winter.  I mean, it will feel like 105 in Dallas today, so I might as well be tan!

I, unfortunately, spent several years lounging in those nasty tanning beds .  I loved the look, but not the healthiest choice.  I promised Reid that I would never do that again once we got married.  It has been almost 14 years, and I have kept that promise. So . . . enter in the SPRAY TAN!!!!!

I tend to ride in the safe lane, and when I do need a spray tan, I call in a professional.  I have an amazing woman that has given me a spray tan for almost 12 years.  I used to have to go to her spa, but now she comes to me! I go from pasty to Bahamas in 2 minutes.  She is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. I love her and she is great, but for the majority of the time, I use products at home.

Last summer, I spent a little time at Nordstrom and Ulta researching how to be tan during the summer on the regular. I was carrying 5 months of baby weight, and needed to tan that weight quickly in an effort to make me feel better about myself.  I discovered the following two products, and wanted to share them with you!  If you want to add a little color to yourself, these two products are affordable and they work!

1. Tan Towels. Each towel is the size of small hand towel, and has the consistency of a wet one.  You basically give yourself a sponge bath with this towelette.  It is for your face AND body, but I use only on my body.  It won’t make you orange, it won’t leave streaks.  It will just help those legs be a little less pasty at the next baseball game.  Or help you add a little more color for even a rainy day.  Click here to try out the Tan Towel this summer!


2.   Dr. Dennis Gross Glow Pads for Face. Each pad is the size and consistency of one of those wet wipes you would be given if you were eating some delicious BBQ. Make sure to go into your hairline, go down to your neck, and around your ears.  That way you won’t have white skin right around your tan and fabulous face.  A blogger that I read says she uses this once a week throughout the year.  I use this about once a week during the summer, and I feel like it lasts and lasts.  Click here to try the face tanning pads this summer!


Before these products, I have been known to do the last minute tan at a tanning store front.  It never turns out well.  I have friends that swear by it, but I always end up looking like Ross from Friends.

I actually had a “Ross experience” just about a month ago. I was out of the amazing products I listed above, and had an event coming up the next day.  The sweet girl at the front desk hit the wrong code, and I was sprayed with a dark bronzer, and tanned TWICE.  I had tan running down my body.  Bless her heart, she told me to come home to take a shower immediately. I looked like Magda from Something About Mary.  I should have taken a picture for proof, but let’s just say the picture below is me. Only a bit younger, and without the cigarette.  The cucumbers and cocktail, I could do.

Click on the links below, and treat yourself to some affordable and easy self tanners.  You won’t regret it! Have a great week! XO

~ Shawna
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