Superheroes, Books, and a Giveaway!

Happy Monday, friends! So, I am back in business after a weekend of hydrocodone and ice packs.  I am still dealing with some annoying numbness and swelling, but we are trying to get to the bottom of it.  And, the tooth fairy paid me a visit, so my kids were pumped! I had my sweet family taking care of me, my 95-pound puppy snuggling with me, and I wore out the Apple TV.  No Academy Award movies watched.  While I did watch American Made (insane true story!), I mainly had the movie tastes of a teenage boy and know entirely too much about superheroes.  I am now a self-proclaimed Guardians of the Galaxy super-fan.  I am trying to convince Reid that we should throw a Halloween party this year just so we can dress up like Star Lord and Gamora.  I will keep you in the loop as to what we decide, but I think it would be amazing! 😉


So a couple of fun things today . . . first, BOOKS! Then, make sure to check out the fun little giveaway at the end of this post!

As I mentioned last week, I read two amazing books on our trip to the Outer Banks.  I love a good chick lit book, but I am also such a fan of suspense novels.  Gone Girl, Girl on the Train, Woman in Cabin 10 . . . I have read all of them, and love all of them.  Lots of fun, easy to read, and so hard to put down.  I reviewed The Last Mrs. Parrish about a month ago, and that still remains one of my favorite books of the year.  In that same wheelhouse.  If you didn’t read my review, click here.  Great book!

The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen

This book was awesome! The story is about a woman who is dealing with the divorce from her husband, and his very sudden engagement to her replacement.  It sounds simple.  It is not!  I scared Harlan on the plane to North Carolina because half way through the book, I gasped out loud from shock.  I literally had to go read the previous chapter over again because I was trying to wrap my brain around a crazy twist.  I can’t say anymore.  Just a very entertaining book. Click here to grab it for yourself.


Lie to Me by J.T. Ellison

This was my favorite of the two books I read on my trip.  It is about a married couple that has an extremely dishonest relationship with one another, and how that impacts their life choices. I told Reid half way through that I knew how it was going to end.  I then told him about 2/3 of the way through the new ending I thought would happen.  When I had to get up and walk around the bedroom with one chapter left because it was so suspenseful, he knew the book had “won”.  So many twists.  Reid usually loves hearing about my books after I read them, but I refuse to tell him about this one.  They HAVE to make it into a movie.  It is THAT GOOD! Click here to grab it for yourself.



My first giveaway back in May was so much fun, and I loved getting to send all of the amazing goodies to one of my readers in Kentucky! Well, it is giveaway time again! This time of year holds one of my favorite things . . . the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale.  Each July, I pour myself a glass of wine, and spend way too much money while shopping online.  I can’t help it really.  I blame all of the cute fashion bloggers out there that tell me what I need and what I don’t need.  Considering that I was holding onto 5 months of pregnancy weight last July, this year I am in need of some new clothes!

So, here is the giveaway . . . a $150 Nordstrom Gift Card! I will be giving the gift card away in Thursday’s blog post! The sale is already available to card members, and opens to the public on Friday, July 20th.  To enter to win, head on over to my Lunchbox Babies Instagram page, and follow my IG page (if you aren’t already following!).  Once you have done that, go to today’s blog post picture, and comment “following”.  Good luck!

Have a great week! XO

~ Shawna
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