Fall Book Review

Hi friends! I started this blog to heal myself and encourage those experiencing infertility and loss.  BUT . . . I have to say that I am loving doing these book reviews! I love to read, and this has been such a fun excuse to read and talk all about it.  Reading and talking . . . two things I love most! 😉 And, I love that so many of you are also reading these books.  It makes it so much fun to chat with friends about fun books!

Since my last review, I have read FIVE books! FIVE! Carpool time and Labor Day weekend laziness helped with my reading time! Here we go . . .

China Rich Girlfriend

I was so happy that you guys convinced me to read Crazy Rich Asians! I loved it, and blogged about it here.  Well, after I read that book, I basically feel into the entire trilogy head first.  I couldn’t stop myself.  I needed to know what was going to happen with Rachel and Nick.  And, would Nick’s family always be crazy? This is the second book in the Kevin Kwan series, and it was so great.  Very similar to the first one in how it is written.  This book continues to take use through Nick and Rachel’s relationship, all while also showing us Rachel’s quest to find her birth father.  I will saw that this trilogy offers A TON of historical facts and details included in the footnotes that help the reader to fully grasp the culture.  It can be a lot at times, but I think it only adds to the book.  Great and easy read!  Click here to get this book!


Rich People Problems

This is the third book in the Crazy Rich Asians trilogy.  There is SO MUCH crazy family drama going into this book, and I needed closure! I kept telling my best friend that I had to finish the book ASAP so that I could see how my favorite characters end up! I don’t want to give anything away, because this is definitely a trilogy that you need to read in order! But, just know that this is a great book.  I was happy with how everyone ended up, and these three books are definitely worth the read.  Due to the success of the movie, I am assuming these last two books will be made into movies as well.  I still need to see the first one.  Is it good? Is it worth it? It always bums me out when movies are so much worse than the book! Click here to get this book!

The Wedding Date

Before I move forward with this review, let me tell you that it is rated R! The two people that recommended this book to me told me that before I started reading, so I wanted to give you the same courtesy.  The story is about Alexa and Drew, and how they navigate their long-distance relationship.  They meet while their elevator is stuck in a hotel, and he asks her to be his wedding date to a wedding that he is dreading.  Their characters are precious, and you route for both of them to find a way to come together.  I really enjoyed this book, but again, it is rated R!  Not “Fifty Shades of Grey R”, but still rated R!  In any case, I really liked it! Click here to get this book!

When Life Gives You Lululemons

I feel like this book is everywhere these days.  Every time I walk into Target or a book store, it is always right up at the front.  I finally grabbed a copy, and I LOVED THIS BOOK! This is a book in the “A Devil Wears Prada” series.  First, I never read “A Devil Wears Prada”, although I may have seen the movie years ago.  And, second, I had no idea that there was a series of these books.  Now, I had NO idea that this was part of that genre (yes, the cover could have told me, but I missed that little note) until I was half way through and read about the series online.  You DO NOT have to be familiar with any of the previous books to enjoy this one.  It is about three friends that have known each other for years.  They are now in their mid to late thirties, and they are each going through a different type of crisis.  They come together to help one another get through their issues, and I found myself routing for all of them! I really loved this book.  So fun to read about successful and independent women coming together to support each other.  Definitely a chick lit book full of fun, friendships, strength, and perserverance.  I really could not recommend this book more.  Easy read!  Click here to grab this book for yourself!


Tear Me Apart

I read one of J.T. Ellison’s books over the summer, and I blogged about it here if you want to check it out! It was called Lie to Me, and I LOVED IT!  I have let several friends borrow the book, and every one of them has enjoyed it as well.  Just a suspenseful “Gone Girl type” of story that is an easy read. So, when I saw J.T. Ellison’s new book, I jumped at the chance to read it.  I have to say that this book was different than Lie To Me.  Very different subject matter, but yet similar in nature.  Does that even make sense? It took me a few chapters to get into this book because I was so confused by the characters.  But, then I got it.  I couldn’t put it down.  This story is about Molly, a seventeen year old that is the next big thing on the US Snow Skiing circuit.  After a horrible crash, not only does she have a broken leg, but they also discover that she has leukemia.  The crazy thing is that when blood work is done on her mom and dad in hopes of finding a stem cell donor, it is discovered that they really aren’t her parents!  This book is dramatic, hopeful, and deals with the realities of depression.  I am really glad that I read this book.  I have thought about it a lot since finishing, and I am sure I will continue to do so for quite some time.  Click here to get a copy of this book!


Whew! FIVE books! I liked all five, and I hope you will as well! If you have ANY recommendations for me, please send them my way.  I have one book that I am about to start, and I am VERY excited! Happy reading! XO

~ Shawna
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