Fall Book Review #2

It’s Book Review Day! Y’all . . . I LOVE these days! Since I have started these reviews, I get so excited as I am reading these books because I know that I get to share them with you! This past month, I read four GREAT books! I hit three different genres, and was not disappointed! Check out the reviews below, and make sure to click on the links to get them for yourself.

on second thought by kristan higgins

So, I found this book on my office bookshelf, and it didn’t look familiar at all.  Super excited to have found a new book, and dove right in.  It took me a chapter to realize that I had read this book while Reid and I were in Vail together last fall.  I was newly pregnant with surprise pregnancy #2 of 2018, still mourning Sophie, and scared to death we were going to lose another one.  So, clearly my memory was not the best.  I am, however, so thankful that I read this book again with fresh, non-grieving eyes.  This book is such a sweet book, and such an easy read! The story follows around two sisters, Kate and Ainsley, in a precious town outside of New York City.  Kate has always been the successful sister based in NYC, and is recently a newlywed after a whirlwind romance and engagement.  Ainsley has stayed in her sweet hometown, still with her college boyfriend, and just lives her best life while waiting patiently to get engaged and start a family.  Both sisters experience their own unique heartbreak one summer, and have to come together to heal.  It is such a great story.  You will fall in love with all of the characters.  Even the ones you are unsure of.  If you are looking for a super easy read, click here and grab this one for yourself!


the breakdown by b.a. paris

WOWZA! You know those books you read that towards the end you are holding your breath, hiding under the covers, and just trying to make it to the end? That was this book THE ENTIRE TIME! I told Reid that I just had to finish the stinkin’ book so that I could get some sleep and not be anxiously thinking about it all of the time! This story revolves around Cass, her sweet husband, and their life together as relative newlyweds.  During a horrible storm one night, Cass is headed home and takes a short cut to get to her house in the country.  While on the dark back roads, she sees a woman pulled over to the side of the road.  Cass talks herself out of going to see if she needs help . . . it is late at night, there is bad weather, the woman looks at her and appears to not be in distress . . . basically, she justifies to herself that all is well, and goes home.  The next morning, she finds that a woman has been found dead in her car on the side of the road.  And, then all things become very, very strange.  If you liked Gone Girl, Girl on the Train, or Lie to Me, you will really enjoy this! One suggestion, don’t read at night if you are alone! Yikes! But, this book will go fast for you.  Great read!  Click here to grab it for yourself!


the best man by kristan higgins

So, I love Kristan Higgins.  Clearly I was on her bandwagon this month, since this is the second book of hers that I read.  She just has a way of writing precious stories about lovable people.  And, all very quick reads.  The Best Man is centered around THE most amazing town in upstate New York.  I described it to Reid, and told him we should move to this town that revolves around wine, coffee, and friendships.  Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? The story follows Faith Holland from a young girl on into her thirties.  We get to see her family, her crazy love life, her heartbreaks, and the reinvention of herself.  I LOVED this book.  It was so fun, and I would actually read it again at some point.  Just that perfect book to throw in your purse for carpool, to throw in your beach bag for a vacation, or to throw in someone’s stocking.  Cute, cute, cute!  AND . . . while writing this blog post, I discovered that this book is the first in a three book “Blue Heron” series that Kristan Higgins writes.  Be on the look out for another of her books in future Book Review posts! And, I will make sure to send a moving card to all of you when I relocate to the fictional Blue Heron Winery in the book. Ha! Click here to grab this book for yourself!


the great alone by kristin hannah

Oh y’all.  I saved the VERY BEST book for last.  This is HIGH in the running for my favorite book of 2018.  And, I have read a ton of books this year.  This story follows Leni Allbright and her parents into the Alaskan wilderness as they search for a better way of life.  Leni’s father, Ernt, is an army veteran that inherited 40 acres and a cabin in Alaska, and the family feels that this is the best way to start over.  The Great Alone begins in 1974, and the story spans decades as we follow Leni’s life and adventures of becoming her own woman.  This is not chick lit.  This is powerful and riveting literature, and I was glued to every page.  It was beautiful, heartbreaking, inspiring, and I can’t stop thinking about it.  It was actually the first of these four books I read this month, and the characters just won’t go away from my thoughts.  Kristin Hannah writes about Alaska in a way that will make you (1) want to visit, and (2) realize that those families living full time in the Alaskan wilderness are a different level of tough! Please read this book.  It is just amazing! Click here to grab it for yourself!


Yeah for Book Review Day! Please reach out to me with other book recommendations! I always love hearing from you.  And, of course, please let me know when you have read one of these books.  I love chatting about my favorites! XO

~ Shawna
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