April Book Review!

Happy BOOK REVIEW DAY! I am SOOOOOO very excited about today’s book review. I read FIVE books this month . . . two classic chick lit, two suspenseful, and one piece of deep, classic literature. Y’all . . . I have found my current favorite of 2019. Maybe of all time! Woohoo!

But, super quick, before we begin . . . I get asked all the time when I find the time to read. I am a firm believer that we are ALL busy, and that we all make the time for the things that are important to us. Reading hasn’t always been something that I wanted to make time for. But, right now, I am in a season where I love to read, and love the escape it provides. So, I read in carpool line, while I am drying my hair, and late at night when everyone else is asleep. If I am in love with a book, I can’t stop reading it, and want to finish it. Sleep can sometimes get it the way, and I have been known to sacrifice sleep for an amazing book. Not my best quality, but just being honest. If you are not in a season where you are able to read a ton, just let me read for you and I will give you all the recommendations you need for when you ARE in the season to read a ton! 😉

I liked all of the books I read this month. Some more than others. And, I LOVED ONE BOOK SO, SO, SO VERY MUCH! Here we go . . .

Too Good To Be True by Kristan Higgins

I told y’all earlier this year that I was going to take a break from Kristan Higgins. I had figured out her formula, and I just needed to dive into other authors. Well, I randomly discovered this little gem hiding on a shelf in my closet with some other books I had bought last year, and I couldn’t help myself!

Grace Emerson is the middle sister in a well-respected family, and a history teacher at a local prep school. She loves her life, except for that pesky issue where her ex-fiance is now dating and in love with her younger sister, Natalie. Kind of an issue. But, one that Grace handles by making up an amazing boyfriend so that people stop feeling sorry for her.

Callahan O’Shea, Grace’s new neighbor, is two months out of prison. A small little embezzlement issue, which makes him both intriguing and sketchy. Of course, the first meeting between Grace and Callahan includes an attempted burglary, a field hockey stick to the face, and a night in jail. Obviously, their relationship starts out a bit rocky!

This is one of Kristan Higgins’ earlier books, and it follows her typical formula. I always love these big families that she writes about, and every main character always has some crazy dog that has been adopted. It is precious, easy to read, and such a great book for an escape. We all need a quick escape from now and then, don’t we? Click here to grab a copy of Too Good To Be True from my Amazon store!

An Anonymous Girl by Greer Hendricks and
Sarah Pekkanen

So, I LOVED their last book, The Wife Between Us, and reviewed it here last summer. I have been very excited to read their new book, An Anonymous Girl, and well . . . quick review: It was good, not great.

Jessica is a make-up artist living in NYC, and decides to jump into a NYC psychology study because she needs the extra money. Dr. Shields, the doctor and professor behind the study, starts to take an added interested in Jessica, and answering anonymous questions on a computer turns to meeting at Dr. Sheilds office, then her home, and then other disturbing outings. Poor Jessica starts to wonder what is real and what is a fabricated part of the study. Definitely has the makings of the Michael Douglas movie, The Game. Have you ever seen that movie? Rent it now. Disturbing, but amazing!

I liked this book. It was interesting. But, the suspense level was a bit low, especially compared to their last book. If you are interested in reading an EASY suspenseful book, click here to grab a copy of An Anonymous Girl! If you want to dial up the suspense just a bit, click here to read The Wife Between Us!

For Once In My Life by Colleen Coleman

Lily Buckley has lived her entire life in Newsbridge, a quaint little town just two hours from London. Her most epic, personal drama was three years ago when she was left at the alter when her fiance confessed to cheating on her with her best friend. Her biggest personal win is her job at the Newsbridge Gazette; she loves the people, the feeling of purpose, everything. Except . . . small problem . . . the paper is financially falling apart and Lily has been put in the position of saving her livelihood.

As acting Editor in Chief, Lily gets a weekly feature article where she is put in extreme situations and writes about them each Friday. A “Bucket List” type of feature that is being used to hopefully boost readership and ad sales. Each week, Lily faces her fears head on and I have to say that each time, her experience made me laugh out loud!

It is just so refreshing to enjoy a character that expresses her fears realistically, her hopes of overcoming those said fears, and then her reaction once she succeeds! I loved it! The chapters when she went skydiving hit very close to home because it was basically how I acted when Reid went skydiving. And, I was on the ground! So funny!

Of course, throughout the process of trying save the Newsbridge Gazette, Lily and another employee grow super close both professionally and emotionally. Such a cute chick lit book. This is a super easy read, and you will love all of the characters. There are some mother/daughter issues, friendship issues, romance, and the concept of finding yourself after you have been lost. Cute, cute! Click here to grab a copy for yourself.

The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah

Okay, okay, so I finally read The Nightingale! Y’all know that I FEEL IN LOVE with Kristan Hannah’s The Great Alone last year, and SO, SO many people reached out to me and said that I had to read The Nightingale. I finally gave in.

Friends . . . THIS BOOK IS AMAZING! It is beautiful, heartbreaking, sweet, tragic, just all the things. This book follows two French sisters: Vianne and Isabelle. During World War II, when the Nazis invaded France, both of these sisters went on their own journeys to save people and try to help bring an end to this war.

This is historical fiction, but the book was written so well that it felt like I was in the midst of the story. What people went through during this time was so unbelievably tragic, but the stories of men and women that fought to keep hope alive are just so beautiful and inspiring. This book gave me ALL THE FEELS! I loved every bit of this book, and it is currently my FAVORITE BOOK OF 2019! I know that I have several months left of reading this year, but a book would have to be out of this world to beat The Nightingale. Please click here and grab a copy for yourself. You will not be disappointed. Ugh . . . so amazing.

The Mother-In-Law by Sally Hepworth

This book was just released last week, and I have been waiting for it to arrive. I was planning to end the month on the VERY high note of The Nightingale, but just couldn’t resist when I saw this on my door step!

Lucy’s mom passed away when she was thirteen, and she has always desperately wanted a mother figure in her life. When she married Ollie, she was hoping that his mother, Diana, would fulfill that role. Didn’t work out that way, unfortunately.

Life goes on. Diana is diagnosed with cancer. And, then Diana dies of an apparant suicide. Super quick issue . . . the autopsy shows that she didn’t have cancer and it doesn’t look like a suicide. So many family issues, so little time. I loved this book. The chapters were short (always great), and it made you always wanting to find out more. Such a fun book. Great option for a fun summer read. And, this should be said . . . I love my mothers in law. Both of them! This is a crazy, fun book! Click here to grab a copy for yourself in my Amazon store!


Such a fun April Book Review! As always, comment on this post, email me, text me, message me . . . whatever . . . just send me your favorite book recommendations! I love reading with all of you! XO

~ Shawna
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