Mother’s Day – Treat Yourself!

Mother’s Day is in 9 days! Mother’s Day can be hard for those women that desperately want to become a mother and their dream has yet to be realized. I have been there. I have been the girl quietly crying in the pew during the infant baptism portion of a Mother’s Day church service. That happened more than once. The last time that happened I am pretty sure the sweet grandmother next to me wrote a prayer request down about the crazy lady next to her and slipped it in the offertory bowl. Sweet woman.

Even though I struggled my way through our journey of growing out family, I started celebrating Mother’s Day years before Harlan. My first Mother’s Day was after we got Duke, our precious first “baby” – a black lab. Duke and Tahoe (our 2nd baby, a yellow lab) “bought” me flowers and margarita lunches on Mother’s Day up until Harlan was born. Yes, Reid and I are those cheesy people. But, any reason to celebrate, am I right?

So, while Mother’s Day may be hard for you . . . whether you have lost your mom, you desperately want to become a mom, or you have just experienced a hard loss . . . please celebrate the day in a way that honors YOU! Sleep late, buy yourself flowers from your cat, have that glass of wine at lunch, dive knee deep into a book. Celebrate YOU.

So, on that note, here are some ways that I would love to celebrate ME. If someone could send this list to Reid, I would be forever grateful. 😊


Dates with my boys. One of my favorite things of ALL TIME. Just quality time with my miracle babies. This, of course, after Sunday morning church and a “healthy-ish” lunch that will most likely include a mimosa! Also, a nap. Oh, and flowers. I love flowers, even if they die in a week. I don’t need the amazing arrangements. Spending $7.99 on roses from Trader Joe’s is just as special to me! This first item on the wish list is starting to sound very demanding. Yikes. So, onto the non-quality time portion of this silly, little wish list . . .


I have discovered a lip gloss that makes your lips a little puffy for just a bit. This stuff is my jam over the summer months! But, at $38 a pop, I wouldn’t necessarily get this for myself on a regular basis. Click here to check it out on my Amazon page. My shade of choice is “Beach Blush”!


I re-discovered my love of waffles while in North Captiva Island over Spring Break. Our VRBO rental house had a waffle maker that was AMAZING. Throw a little Gluten Free Bisquick in there, and I was in Heaven! I found the newer version at Target, and then on Amazon for cheaper! Check it out here!


Now that I am 40-ish, I have decided that I should probably start looking into neck creams. I did a little research by chatting with my dermatologist, a couple estheticians, and a few gorgeous older women, and I discovered that THE neck cream to invest in is Nectifirm by Revision. Now, it is pricey! That should be known. But, the cheapest I found this miracle worker was at Amazon! Click here to check it out! I will make sure this gets to me at some point, and I will review it for y’all!


And, last but not least, my Mother’s Day Pipe Dream . . . tickets to the Jennifer Lopez concert in Dallas on June 24th. I did a quick StubHub search earlier this week, and I was concerned that my eyes would start to bleed from the costs for the good seat tickets. That woman is SO inspirational to me, and her songs are so fun! If anyone wants to throw me a couple of tickets with backstage passes, I promise to do an AMAZING blog post about my experience. #shamelessbegging #iwillwearanarodRangersjersey


Let me know if I am missing some awesome things on this silly, little wish list. Y’all know that I am always up for recommendations for new products, new books, new experiences, etc. AND, of course, I am looking forward to how you are all going to TREAT YOURSELF! XOXO

~ Shawna
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