Summer Giveaway Time!

Two reasons that today is amazing . . .

  1. It is the LAST day of school for my little guys, AND
  2. It is the start of SUMMER!

I love summer! Even when it is 120 degrees in Texas and walking outside to jump in the pool is even miserable. I still love it! Yeah summer! We have a few adventures planned for our little family this summer, and I.AM.SO.READY!

Also, how is it already summer? Is this year flying by for anyone else?

To celebrate summer, I am doing a fun Nordstrom giveaway!! And, who doesn’t love Nordstrom?!!?!?

NEXT Friday, I will be giving away a $200 gift card to Nordstrom. The winner will have this little treat emailed to them so that they can start spending ASAP! Woohoo!

To Enter this Summer Giveaway:

****Subscribe to Lunchbox Babies. That’s it! Seriously! There is a box half-way down the font page of my blog that says “Subscribe to blog via email”. Enter your email address and click subscribe. You will receive an email confirmation, and once you confirmed, you will be entered to win! The winner will be chosen at random from all of the Lunchbox Babies subscribers!


~ Shawna
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