Netflix & Yes, Please

Ladies and Gentlemen . . . I have found a new show for all of us! This quote has been my life for the last week.

Before I make the big “announcement”, let me say that Reid and I love to have a great show to watch. Over the years, our favorites have been . . .

  1. Scandal. One summer, we spent two weeks binge-watching the first two seasons in preparation for season three. We never missed an episode. I LOVE Scandal. #teamfitz
  2. Arrested Development. Why is this crazy show so entertaining? I love all of the goofy characters. And, I love Jason Bateman.
  3. Lost. Probably the best show on television. Ever. Reid bailed out during one of the last seasons, but I stayed strong and finished watching it by myself. I think I watched the finale twice because it was just that good. He won’t admit it, but I’m sure Reid regrets not finishing the series. 😉

Ever since Scandal ended last May, we have struggled to find another show that we both are wanting to sit down and fly through. We have tried several, but nothing has shown itself to be binge-worthy. Now, we do love God-Friended Me and Manifest, but I am talking great shows that we can watch episode after episode and really get into.

We have tried . . .

  1. Ozark. I made it through two episodes. This show is THE WORST! I am praying for all of you people that watch it, or have watched it. Of course, Reid is watching it by himself and loves it, so I am praying for him too!
  2. Jack Ryan. We have watched a few episodes. It is good, but not great. My unwavering love and devotion for John Krasinkski keeps bringing me back, although Reid doesn’t have the same pull. #jimandpamforever
  3. Game of Thrones. I was SO ready to jump on this bandwagon just before this last season. I made Reid watch the original episode, and neither of us could make it past that. I lost about five years off my life within the first fifteen minutes of the show. Those White Walkers are SO SCARY! How do y’all watch them? And, the last scene with the whole incest thing kind of left a bad taste in my mouth. Definitely joining the side that doesn’t watch GoT, although I love the passion of the fans!

So, earlier this summer, I started hearing people talking about the Netflix Original Series, Dead to Me.

I love Christina Applegate. Love her. My parents wouldn’t allow me to watch Married With Children when I was a kid. I would sneak an episode every now and then, and just thought she was the COOLEST!

With knowing ZERO what this show was about, Reid and I sat down and watched the first two episodes back to back.

Let me just give a one word review: WOW!

There is some hard stuff in this show. Well, it was hard for me. It may not be hard for you.

I don’t want to give too much away, but this show is basically wrapped around grief and humor. Sounds strange, I know. But, SO SO good. The episodes are only thirty minutes, and Reid & I got hooked pretty quickly. And, only ten episodes in this first season!

SO GOOD. I can’t recommend this show enough! Have you watched it? What were your thoughts? I would love to hear from you!

Also . . . send me other recommendations for a binge-worthy show! We are always ready to try new things. Especially in the summer!

Happy Netflixing! XO

~ Shawna
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