I’m Leaving On a Jet Plane . . .

Good morning! By the time some of you read this post, I will be headed out of town on my first girls trip in TWO YEARS! Woohoo! I had to cancel two trips last year (to Cancun and Cabo) due to the Zika Virus. Hey . . . hindsight is 20/20, and I could have actually gone, am I right? I am so blessed with some amazing friends from college (missing those that can’t come!), and several of us are headed to Napa for a few days on a girls trip!

I truly believe that close friendships can save you.  I know these sweet girls have saved me.  Not just last year, but throughout my life.  Lots of stories! So, in my absence, please enjoy my favorite Girls Trip memes and quotes.  If you guys have any others, please send my way.  Have a great weekend!!!

~ Shawna
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