Girl Wash Your Face

I love to read. I always have. During this season of my life, I struggle with finding the time. If I am going to read a book in its entirety, it needs to grab me from the beginning. I have stopped several books after chapter 2 because I wasn’t 100% sold. I had heard about Girl Wash Your Face over the last couple of months, but it wasn’t until my sweet sister in law mentioned it to me, that I finally pulled the trigger on Amazon.

Just to set the record straight. THIS BOOK IS AMAZING! I started reading this book on Wednesday night at Jackson’s back to back baseball and flag football practices, and I finished the book during afternoon carpool on Thursday. Less than 24 hours people! The only book that beats that would be Twilight. I read ALL 4 books 5 days. I was exhausted, probably not the best mom that week, and possibly a bit obsessed. But . . . Team Edward all the way!

Every once in awhile I read a book that was the perfect book for me at that specific time in my life. Unstuffed was one of those books for me. It helped me clean up all of the clutter that had formed during a yucky 2017. But this. This book set my pants on fire. My little green highlighter was working OVERTIME! I even messaged the author on Instagram just to tell her how much I loved the book! I promise I am not a stalker!

The author, Rachel Hollis, has lived quite the life. Like all of us, she has experienced some pretty awesome highs and some very traumatic lows. All 20 chapters of this book pertain to a different lie that we tell ourselves, let ourselves believe, and allow it to shape our behavior. All of the chapters are great and will speak to you on some level. But, man, there were a couple of chapters that had tears strolling down my face as I struggled to finish the paragraph. Super convicting for me on a personal level. I should probably call the Sewell dealership to apologize for my emotional behavior while sitting in the service department’s waiting room. Easy place to read, strange place to have tears streaming down your face. My favorite line in the entire book: “I am still here because I didn’t allow the hard time to make me weak; I willed it to make me strong.” Amen, sister!

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS BOOK. You can click here to order it! The chapters that speak to you the most may be very different than mine. I would love to hear what you guys think of this book. Just get your highlighters ready!

~ Shawna
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