15 Years Baby!

15 years ago today, Reid and I were married. I LOVE the picture above because this is such a perfect example of who we are as a couple.

October 30, 2004 seems like yesterday. It also seems like it was a solid 50 years ago.

Reid and I met briefly on December 30, 2000.

This picture was from a New Years Eve party the next night. Reid and I hung out all night at the party and quickly became the best of friends. Apologies to these two amazing friends for this picture. They are still my favorites to this day, and they still look the same. Exact same!

Fast forward almost four years later, and we were married. We paid for our own wedding, and our biggest concern was that there was an open bar and a band. Because, you know, priorities.

This is us 15 years ago on our honeymoon . . .

Please notice the baby faces and the tanned faces.

This is us now . . .

In 15 years, we have been through a lot. Lots of very high highs and several very low lows. I am SO blessed that this is what my life looks like. My miracle boys. All three of these cuties.

Happy Anniversary to sweet Reid! If you need us today, we are heading to a little date lunch. And, then the boys are taking us out to a fun dinner.

~ Shawna
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