Monday Morning Confessions

Happy Monday! I realized over the weekend that Thanksgiving Break is less than two weeks away. This realization made my TO DO list double, and also made me SUPER excited about all of the fun coming my way! We love the holidays in our house. And pumpkin bread. And mashed potatoes.

Also over the weekend . . . my 20th college reunion at SMU! SO.MUCH.FUN. I took SO many pictures, but am only posting two! I am going to keep the absolute silliness that I have on my camera roll just for me and my people. Old friends are just the best.

We spent Friday night at a dinner with precious friends, and then ended the night at a party at The Rustic in Dallas. Fun. Fun. Fun. And, this TCU guy hung with all of us crazy SMU people like a champ!

At the game on Saturday, a miracle occurred. After years of brainwashing by my sweet husband, my children emerged out of the TCU hole and WORE SMU GEAR! It was a Homecoming miracle! I made sure a picture was taken BEFORE Harlan stripped off the Mustangs shirt to reveal his Dallas Cowboys shirt underneath. But, hey . . . I have the proof right here! Pony Up!


SO . . . here is my Monday morning confession . . . I have been a bit MIA. I have been here for the Book Review, Friday Favorites, and other random posts. But, I have been a bit MIA in talking about the pieces of me that truly make up this blog. Infertility and loss.

In late October, I was honored to be a part of a writers conference. It was a three day event that not only worked to feed my spirit, but also to dive down into my writing, my blog and my story. Several times over this three day period I shared my story with all of the details. I love to share my story to help others. But, sharing it to help myself was a bit different.

It put me in a funk. A big funk. And, it took me to a place that I had not been in awhile. It made me wish for Sophie. It made me sad that my little girl wasn’t here with me. It made me need to step back, let my heart heal once more, and concentrate on my precious, precious family. And, then once I was great, it just became easier and easier to side step that hole again. And my laptop! Ha!

I still VERY MUCH want to be a voice in the infertility and loss community. I enjoy getting to know your stories, walking down this road with you, and being able to pray for you as you deal with all of the issues I have dealt with.

But, this is proof that grief doesn’t always go away for good. It just changes. I have always said that grief is like waves. The waves haven’t been drowning me for quite some time. This wave shocked me a little as I was hanging out on the beach and thought that the storm had passed and clear skies and surf were the only way for me.

I am sharing this little Monday Morning Confession because I know that there are SO many of you out there just like me. Some of you may currently be on your knees yelling at God and crying over a recent loss or failed infertility procedure. Others may be years removed from their loss, but still feel it like a scratch on their heart from time to time.

None of us are alone. We are all in this together. If you are knee-deep in grief right now, it gets better. You will be okay. But, one day in a couple of years, a single, small wave may hit you out of nowhere and make you take a minute for yourself and your precious family. You are not alone. You will be okay.

So, that is why I have been a bit MIA. I have some great things in the works for the amazing infertility and loss community, and looking forward to sharing that in the weeks to come. And, as always, I am hear to pray for you if you need another shoulder or ear!

In the meantime, thank you for letting me share my little confession this Monday morning. I hope you all have a blessed week! I’ll see you in a couple of days! XO

~ Shawna
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