All The Things . . .

Happy Monday, friends! Welcome back from Thanksgiving! SOO happy to be back. Now, when my alarm went off at 5:15am this morning, I thought a few choice words in my head and then pressed on.

Today’s post is SUPER short and incredibly random. Getting life back to normal is on the big list today. Grocery store is #1. The only thing in my house is Thanksgiving leftovers, so my kids literally have a honeybaked ham, a packet of goldfish, gummies, and yogurt in their lunchboxes. #supermom

The BIG news today is that it is December 2nd! Woohoo! My favorite month of the year for two reasons: (1) It is Christmas time, and I LOVE this time of year, and (2) It is my Birthday Month!! December 23rd, people!

Last year, on my Lunchbox Babies Instagram Page, I spent almost every day of December giving my Birthday Favorites. Some were products, some were experiences. But, all were things that I loved and wanted to share with you! So, definitely join in on the fun over on my Instagram Page. Would love to hear your favorites as well.

So, since it is my birthday month and this post is super random, here is a list of facts about me. I know so many of you that read this don’t know me personally, so I thought this would be fun to throw in here today. Some you may know, but some you may not.


  1. I have an obsession with Starbucks. Their coffee is like coffee from God. AMAZING. I am not above plugging Starbucks for free coffee, if anyone out there knows someone high up! Hint, hint!
  2. I love all of the products. If you tell me it works, I will probably try it. The Beucler budget talk was unfortunate a couple of weeks ago when we looked at the “Shawna Products” line item.
  3. I have three “side gigs” to my full-time mom status. I am a blogger/writer, real estate agent, and a partner in my family’s credit card processing company.
  4. I still hate salmon. THE.WORST.
  5. I could not live without my iLife (cheaper version of a Romba). Two labs plus two boys means this is a daily necessity. It is currently running next to me now. FYI . . . I got mine here on Amazon.
  6. I have Celiac Disease, but am the only one in my house that eats 100% gluten free. I don’t bake GF because I would totally eat all of it by myself!
  7. I would be the first to get kicked off of Survivor. Running water is my friend. And electricity. And a nearby Starbucks.
  8. I grew up singing in church and at school, but haven’t done much in many years. Unless you count my stint last week as a backup singer/dancer at a karaoke bar with my family. Oh dear.
  9. I used to have amazing hair. See proof below from my amazing teenage Glamour Shot. After eleven pregnancies and SO MANY infertility drugs . . . plus some hormonal therapy gone wrong when trying to get my body back to normal, my hair is a SAD, SAD version of what it once was. HOWEVER . . . I think that I may have found a miracle product. Been using something special for about 9 weeks, and am thrilled so far. Total God thing how I even found it. Will share when I feel comfortable with the situation. Fingers crossed!

10. And, last, but DEFINITELY not least . . . I am very, very thankful for my sweet family. Reid and I spent over a decade fighting to grow our family, and then deciding what it should look like. Well, it looks like this, and I am so blessed to call them all mine. Infertility is hard and miscarriage is even harder, but this is what my version looks like on the other side of that pain. Just pure joy! Love my people!

Super short and sweet today, friends! Good luck with getting back into the swing of things. And, check back throughout the week for some other fun things! XOXO

~ Shawna
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