Friday Favorites: Quarantine Edition

Happy Friday, friends! Yes, it is Friday. Just a FYI in case you have lost track. I get it. Between homeschooling my children, laughing at hilarious memes, and doing my seventeenth round of dishes in a single day, sometimes I forget the day. More than once I have run outside with the trash cans only realizing it is Thursday when I hear the trash trucks coming down my street. Oh quarantine. You sneaky, little thing.

On Tuesday of this week, Dallas County extended our shelter-in-place from April 30th to May 15th. I mean, I knew that it was probably coming. But, still . . . BOO! I thought a bit on this Friday Favorites post, and I have to say that I have a TON of favorites that are all related to the The Great Quarantine of 2020.

So . . . grab yourself your drink of choice, and enjoy! I am sure that many of you can relate to these!

I Am Actually A Good Cook!

I have mentioned on this blog MANY, MANY times that I am not a great cook. I am used to more groans then cheers when I make something. The smoke alarm personally hates me. And, I have the gift of ruining almost any recipe someone gives me. That was until quarantine, baby!

Y’all . . . with a VERY special thanks to Alex with The Defined Dish and Michele with Paleo Running Momma, I am actually a good cook! Seriously! I have been putting “Become a Good Cook” on my New Years Resolutions for YEARS, and it only took being locked in my house and not leaving for weeks on end to make it happen. Who knew?

If you don’t already subscribe to both The Defined Dish and Paleo Running Momma, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND doing so ASAP! Also, grab their cookbooks. The Defined Dish cookbook is basically by How To guide for this time in my life!

For a family of boys that previously only liked to eat all things beef, I have them cheering when I make this Bacon Wrapped Pork Tenderloin. Cheering, y’all! Oh, and it is Paleo and Whole 30, but that is something I don’t mention.

So, SO many great recipes on these two sites. Go check them out. And, then come over here and cook with me. Until after quarantine is over, and then come hang out with me at Mi Cocina. Or Hudson House. Or Shinsei.

I Have Never Been So Comfortable In My Entire Life!

When we get out of quarantine, I am going to forget how to get dressed. My entire quarantine wardrobe consists of workout clothes, my AMAZING Nordstrom joggers (can’t find the link – SORRY!), JoyLab tshirts, and pajamas.

I manage to put on earrings twice a week because I have a crazy fear that my ear holes will close up and I will have to go back to Claire’s in the mall and get them pierced again. Does that actually happen, or am I channeling my ten year old self?

Don’t make fun of me, but I do put on make up every day. Because, well, that is just me. So, I am currently sitting in a pair of very old Lucy pants that Reid has told me need to be trashed, a JoyLab tshirt that is on my heavy rotation, and Reid’s North Face sweatshirt. Y’all . . . the look is super classy and COMFORTABLE! Let’s all just thank Reid for still loving me.

Next week, I will progress and start wearing jeans each day as practice for May. Maybe.

Is There A Support Group For Being Addicted To Products?

My name is Shawna, and I have a problem. I’ve always had a problem, but it has grown.

Right around the time we all went on lock down, Nordstrom had a HUUUUGE sale on the majority of their self care products. Items that are NEVER on sale (and that I had been stalking religiously for years) were suddenly 50% off. It was a miracle, friends. Ulta, Sephora, and Dermstore followed suit shortly thereafter. Basically, if all we have to do is sit at the house, these companies are smart to know that we all might as well be walking around with a mask on our faces.

I have a Give Me All The Products: Quarantine Edition post coming up soon, and will chat about all of the amazing items I found. And, then the ones that are super strange and even scaring my husband with them doesn’t make it worth it!

Is anyone feeling obsessed with products? I might as well try to shave five years off the face while hanging out at home. The wine is probably not helping, but that is why we are doubling up on the products, people!

How Do I Try Out For The Tour De France?

I have never ridden my bike as much as I do now. I am basically Lance Armstrong, but without the illegal stuff.

Each day, our “PE class” is a bike ride. On days when we let Jackson be the captain, we go about 2 miles. But, last week I was the captain, and we went just over 6 miles. Harlan is claiming his bike ride for us today will top 7 miles. Not sure about that one, but we are having so much fun!

I challenged myself to a 5K last year, and actually did it! Maybe this year I will challenge myself to a bike race? That actually sounds crazy now that I have written it out.


Y’all have the best Friday! If you have an recommendations on recipes, products, loungewear, bike trails . . . whatever . . . send them my way! Have a great weekend! Be safe, stay inside, and snuggle! XO

~ Shawna
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