Hey friends. Happy Thursday!

Today, I am doing something a little different. Instead of the book reviews, the product obsessions, and the infertility talk, I am going to spotlight an amazing organization and their work.

LLS – The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

Currently, the LLS is conducting their Student of the Year program throughout the country.

My sweet 15-year-old niece, Avery, is one of ten students that have been nominated for Student of the Year in Naples, FL. How cute is she?

Not only is she precious, but she is incredibly smart. And, very much wanting to raise awareness and funds for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and for those families that they assist. Her goal is to raise $25,000 for the LLS!

From Avery: “I felt compelled to get involved with LLS because its such an amazing cause. It’s not often that you get to be a part of something so much bigger than yourself and help those in need, especially when you are fifteen. Honestly, when this opportunity came up it wasn’t even a question whether I was going to help or not, it was more of the question of when do I start.”

When Avery told me about this amazing honor and cause, I started to think back to a local friend of mine that had walked a very personal journey with LLS. Kathleen Strand’s daughter, Margaret, was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) on January 5, 2011, at three and a half years old.

I mean, y’all. Isn’t three year old Margaret adorable?

Margaret is now cancer free!

Margaret did two and half years of treatment and is now doing yearly follow-up appointments. The Strand family has been involved with Wipe Out Kids Cancer, Children’s Cancer Fund and LLS—primarily Light the Night walk.

Margaret was also the recipient of their Spirit of Tom Landry Character Award in 2014 at the St. Valentines Day Luncheon.

And yes, unfortunately they know and have made many friends with childhood cancer along this journey. While research and treatments are getting better, not all patients are as lucky as Margaret.

From Kathleen: “Reflecting back on our journey, it’s very difficult to summarize. It was a shock. It was fear. It was tears. It was guilt. It was pain and sorrow. But it was also strength and hope and love and faith and support and friends and caring—and finally, we were blessed with a survivor. I know that gift was from the Almighty but also due to advances in therapy and treatment and knowledge about leukemia. And that was possible because people care and support the mission of organizations like LLS.”

Y’all. This woman is a rock star mom, and I am proud to call her a friend. I am also SO thankful that Margaret is healthy and thriving.

This is sweet Margaret now. She turns 13 in July, and is getting ready to enjoy her summer as a healthy teenager!

When I asked Margaret what she remembered about her diagnosis with ALL, this is what she said: “There are many things I do not remember about my treatment although I remember being in the hospital and the feeling of my port and getting shots. I also remember many good experiences such as getting to go on my Make-A-Wish trip. I always had my family by my side to help me through the bad times.”

The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society does so much amazing work. I am impressed with their Student of the Year program that allows young people to learn about, understand more, and lobby for those in need.

So proud of my niece and her efforts for this organization! To donate to this amazing cause, please click here! The deadline is June 14th by 5pm. And, please go to for more information about how you can help save lives, or to apply for patient and family financial assistance.

And, if you are currently walking the road that Kathleen and Margaret have walked, and you need some extra love or some prayers, please let me know. We would be happy to pray for you, and also be happy to get you in touch with people that can help counsel you through this time.


~ Shawna
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