What’s Up Wednesday

Happy Wednesday, friends! For years now, I have been reading Shay’s blog over at Mix & Match Mama and Sheaffer’s blog over at Sheaffer Told Me To. Love them both. In fact, Sheaffer actually helped walk me through the blogging process, and helped in the encouragement of my starting this blog two and a half years ago. So . . . love them both. Go check them out, if you don’t already follow them.

They host a little link up party on the last Wednesday of each month, and after a couple of years of blogging and YEARS of reading their posts, I am finally linking up here and sharing a little life with you. I feel like there is so much sadness in the world these days, so today is just a goofy post of the random things in my life!


We are eating “healthy-ish”. After indulging during our week away, we all needed to cut the sugar and processed food, and concentrate on being healthy for a bit. Now, I say this, and just made coffee cake muffins for the boys this morning. So, take this for what it is.

But, tonight I am making the AMAZING Enchiladas Con Carne from The Defined Dish cookbook! I have mentioned this cookbook a TON on my blog. If you don’t follow her on Instagram, click here to check her out. She always posts amazing recipes that are easy and healthy!

If you are on the fence with checking her out . . . she has a recipe for gluten free/whole 30 Chicken Fried Steak. People. IT’S AMAZING! And, my kids request it frequently! Yummy!


Last week! Oh my goodness. North Captiva is a dream. It is three miles long and one mile wide, and I think I saw less than 100 people the entire week. DREAMY. We were truly off the grid. We unplugged, and lived a peaceful week of no drama, no Covid, no issues. TAKE ME BACK!


I am loving the weather today. Blue skies and sunny. Planning on a bike ride with the boys. Anything to get us out of the house, but without masks on.


Unpacking and catching up on sleep! Also . . . lots of board games and snuggling with our puppy dogs that were boarded while we were gone. Oh, and do you follow me on Instagram? If so, you will see that Reid did a little late-night ordering one night and we were all surprised when his belated Father’s Day gift showed up yesterday. It’s called a Stealth Core Trainer, and it is basically a game that gets you to do planks. My crew has been LOVING this little workout toy. Jackson (who does not like to sweat, you should know) came down dressed for the day this morning so that he could “work on my abs”. Hilarious!


About a month ago, I stumbled upon an AMAZING trainer that comes to my home. Her name is Carly, and I love her. Carly is working on helping me with my “quarantine comfort”, if you know what I mean. She comes over a few times a week for 30 minutes, and leaves me happy, out of breath, and incredibly sweaty. She is coming over this morning, and I am scared. Very scared. It is already painful to sit down on the couch from Monday’s workout, so today could be a rough one.


Are you all wearing a bunch of hats these days? I think we all are. I am working on the blog, some other writing, my family’s credit card processing business. But, above all, I am enjoying the summer and being a mom to my sweet boys. There is a lot of uncertainty in the world right now, and I am just thankful to be with them and to try and walk them through this in the best way that I can.


To be honest . . . figuring out this entire Covid-19 situation. We have so many smart people in this world, and I am hoping that a cure is found ASAP. We are healthy over here at the Beucler House, but the possibility of wearing masks for the foreseeable future is messing with my head. And, my kids aren’t big fans either.

On a more positive note . . . I am looking forward to JULY! Lots of fun to come. And, have you heard that Hamilton is being released on July 3rd on Disney Plus? Pumped to share that with my crew.


Reid and I have decided that now is a perfect time to go back to the well, and watch a classic show. So, we are rewatching the one, the only . . . Arrested Development! Oh, how I love this show. I mean – Jason Bateman is in it. So, so funny! Have y’all seen it? Currently binge-watching on Netflix!

As for reading . . . well, I am finishing up my 4th and final book of the month. Next week is my June Book Review Day, so make sure you check it out! My current book is a suspenseful thriller, and I am so confused with what is going on that I can’t put it down! Ha!


At the moment . . . Dude Perfect in the background. Again! My boys have decided to watch all of their Overtime episodes chronologically. Again. There are sixteen, they are currently on number eight. LOOOOVE Dude Perfect. If you have young boys, they are an amazing group of Christian guys that do trick shots, stereotype skits, and just hilarious antics abound. I highly recommend checking out the Dude Perfect YouTube channel and website. Big fans in my house.


Currently . . . work out clothes. Because, you know Carly is coming to kick my butt. And, summer. And, quarantine! My life revolves around workout clothes and swimsuits right now. I think I should also mention here that Athleta is having a HUGE sale right now. Go check it out!


I am just so happy to be at home this weekend with ZERO plans! Yeah! I think if you need me, I will be jumping on the trampoline with my kids, walking my dogs, or floating in my pool. I would say that I would be floating on Howard the Duck, but he has already died a sad death by being popped. Poor dude. Happens every year.


July is a big month in the Beucler house. Reid’s birthday is July 3rd, and we like to celebrate for about a week. I mean, the fireworks on the 4th are basically for him, right? This year, we are going to celebrate at home and then go off the grid a couple of times throughout the month to just hang as a family and get away from all of the craziness. VERY MUCH looking forward to some family time.


Linking up on this fun monthly post is the big one! Loving this, and hope that y’all enjoyed it as well. I always love to get a glimpse into people’s lives.

Y’all have a great rest of your week! XO

~ Shawna
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