Friday Favorites: 200th Post!

Happy Friday, friends!!!!!

First things first . . . did you check out the August Book Review on Monday???

I have heard from several of you since then, and I think we can all agree that Brit Bennett’s The Vanishing Half is unbelievably amazing. Definitely in the running for my favorite book of 2020! And, that is saying a ton. My book count for the year is currently standing at 36! If you haven’t checked it out yet, click here and let me know your thoughts and recommendations.


Today is my 200th post!


My first post was on March 19, 2018. Nine months after losing Sophie Caroline, and just four months after losing our last baby boy. I was raw with emotion, but in desperate need to share my story to heal and to help others. I cried when I published that post. Sobbed like a baby at my kitchen counter. It was like jumping off a cliff, and I am so glad that I did.

So, now 200 posts down, the Lunchbox Babies community has grown a ton! Not only do I still share my story and walk hand in hand with those of you walking the road of infertility and loss, but I have also added some super fun other items along the way. I mean, I think y’all love my monthly book reviews as much as I do! 😉

So, for today . . . to celebrate this HUGE milestone in my life, I am sharing some SUPER random things that I love and that have impacted me greatly on the way to my 200 posts!

And, just so you know . . . thank you, thank you for ALL of your support for these last 200 posts! I love that so many of you have trusted me with your stories. It has been an honor! XO


Coffee. That is all. Just Coffee. Preferably from Starbucks. But, I have recently started drinking it with Almond Milk and not regular Skim Milk. So, a girl can change at 40ish!! 😉


Don’t Mom Alone. Heather MacFadyen is a dear friend of mine. Her Don’t Mom Alone podcast, originally God Centered Mom, is a constant blessing to moms in our community. When I started thinking about starting a blog, Heather encouraged me, prayed with me, and then later helped me to launch my blog on her podcast. I will be forever grateful. If you need some encouragement, I would highly suggest listening to her podcasts! I also hear that she is writing a book! WOOHOO!


My sweet family! These are my people, and I love them so much. I am blessed that they are mine. It is easy to get wrapped up in grief and healing, but these three have always pulled me into the present moment. And, yes, I am posting a picture from a TCU football game. If anyone is curious, my countdown is still going . . . ONE WEEK from today will be our first college football game. Woohoo!


The Pilates Barre. Over the last several years, I have learned that I am someone that needs to be active. It helps me mentally and emotionally much more than it helps me physically. I LOVE to run, but my knees aren’t that big of a fan of running. Although, I still manage to do it as much as possible!


Finding an escape. It may be a book, a massage, a silly show, a girls trip, a date night . . . even a solo trip to Target while holding a Starbucks coffee. We are all so busy, but we all need to take care of ourselves. Take a minute for you, and don’t feel badly about it!


Therapy!!! How I did not see a therapist about my issues with infertility and loss before 2017, I have know idea. But, after losing Sophie, it became very clear that I needed help in navigating my grief. Through a random business connection, I found a therapist that had been through a similar situation as me, only 20 years ago. Oh, this woman. I got through my grief through prayer, friends, family, and my amazing therapist. I have ZERO shame in saying that I needed help. And, still do from time to time. If you need help, go get some! Take care of yourself.

That’s about it, y’all. I could add so many more things here: On-line shopping, face masks, Dallas Cowboys, my sweet dogs, Ulta, any Jennifer Lopez song, jumping on the trampoline with my kids, still refusing to eat salmon . . . I could go on and on.

But, again, just a very big thank you for sticking with me and my little blog. I originally jumped off the cliff for myself. In the hopes that I could heal, and maybe just touch one other person that was in my shoes. Now, 200 posts in, I am excited to keep going. So, cheers to 200. And to many, many more.

Have a great weekend! XO

~ Shawna
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