Finding Strength in Hardship

Way back in April of 2018, about a month after I launched Lunchbox Babies, the amazing Heather MacFadyen of Don’t Mom Alone had me on her podcast.

Heather helped me share my story and launch my blog all at the same time. The podcast was an emotional one for me, and I love that I was able to share my story of infertility, loss, faith, and love.

Every few months, I feel like a new group of women find the podcast. Usually once a quarter, a handful of women from all walks of life find my episode as they are themselves struggling with infertility and loss. They always reach out to me after they listen, and I am able to hear their stories and try to help them walk through this heartbreaking time.

The one thing that I say over and over again . . . You Are Strong! You may not know it, but you are stronger than you could ever imagine.

It took me a long time to realize that I am strong. I spent years not being able to take a compliment or to willingly admit my strengths.

Now that I am 40ish, I am willing to admit my strengths are the following:

  1. I make amazing gluten free chocolate chip cookies. I just can’t make them too often, or I will eat the entire batch by myself.
  2. I am a very fast reader, and LOVE to escape into a great book.
  3. My knowledge of college sports and the Dallas Cowboys is like that of an ESPN-obsessed teenage boy. I am currently counting down the days until I go to my first college football game of the season. It’s nine days, by the way. WOOOHOOO!
  4. I have so many dream jobs that I would like to pursue, but am currently going between a travel blogger and a book blogger. No clue how to make any money doing that, but traveling and reading are two of my favorite things. Help me out, y’all! How do I do this?

That is all I am willing to come up with. Reid would say I have an amazing strength at spending money at Target and Ulta. But, really, should something so easy be considered a strength?!?

Throughout our infertility journey and through the miscarriages we endured, I have always been told that I am strong. That was one compliment I have had a very hard time accepting. For much of the decade we dealt with our issues, I didn’t feel strong, I felt pathetic. I felt lonely. I felt sad. I did not feel strong.

However, after starting this blog, and talking with SO MANY other women that have walked this road along side of me, I got it. I am strong. One of the bravest decisions I ever had to make was to finally let go of what was hurting me. To walk away from trying to continue to grow our family was heartbreaking, but it was brave. And I am stronger for it.

God made me strong. Not infertility. Not losing the twins. Not losing my sweet Sophie. God made me strong. He just allowed me to use my strength to survive the grief.

You are strong. Going through infertility and dealing with loss is HARD. And, you ARE strong.

If you have a loved one walking this road, please share this with them. Let them know that they are strong and they are loved.

If you are currently walking the road of infertility and loss, please know that you are not alone. If you need extra support, I am here for you. Much love coming your way.


~ Shawna
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