Friday Favorites

Oh, Friday! I love you.

I returned home on Monday evening from a quick, little trip, and I have been confused all week as to what day it is.

But, Friday! It is is here! My kids get out of school at Noon, and then Thanksgiving Break starts! WOOOOHOOOO! So excited. Our next several days will be filled with lounging, relaxing, and enjoying family time. Ahhhhhhh. Dreamy.

Here is a super random assortment of the Friday Favorites for the week! Enjoy!


After taking a year off to concentrate on only golf, Jackson decided to join his buddies again in the world of flag football. While he isn’t the fastest boy out there, he loves his friends, loves the sport, and loves rocking the cool shades. AND, as of this past weekend, he LOVES being a Super Bowl Championship Winner! So proud of the Chiefs and their last minute championship win! WOOHOO! Such a fun moment. Now, back to golf . . .


Okay. Stop the presses, friends! If you never listen to another thing that I ever say, you need to listen to this! After hearing some amazing things about the NuFace Mini, AND it being on major sale at Nordstrom a couple of weeks ago, I finally splurged on this bad boy.

The NuFace facial toning device is FDA-cleared for facial stimulation and gently works to stimulate the larger surface areas of the face to provide a five-minute facial lift. I have used this a handful of times over the course of the last week, and am in love. I think that the level of difference you will see varies from person to person. I used this on one friend over the weekend, and the results were so dramatic that she was talking about purchasing the NuFace herself as quickly as possible! For me, I do see some lifting and toning, but I think I will have more of a building effect over time instead of the dramatic one-time event.

They sell the NuFace Mini a ton of places, but I think buying at Nordstrom is best since their return policy is amazing. This retails for $199, but I found mine on sale for around $160! Perfect thing to add to your Christmas list!


When people ask me what food I miss the most since being diagnosed with Celiac Disease back in 2013, I always tell them fried chicken and my pumpkin bread! Oh, pumpkin bread. I love you.

Every November 1st, I pull out the “secret” family recipe and make it for my crew. I have tried to make it gluten free, but then two things happen: My crew doesn’t like it near as much as the normal version, and so then I eat ALL OF IT! Not great.

So, no pumpkin bread for me. But I do love making it for other people. Coaches, teachers, and friends are already enjoying some our bread this year. If you want to make your own Beucler Pumpkin Bread, here is the “secret” recipe! Enjoy!


3 cups Flour
1 can Pumpkin (1 lb can)
1 t. Baking Soda
4 Eggs, beaten
1 t. Salt
1 1/4 cups Oil
3 t. Cinnamon
3 cups Sugar

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Spray 2 non-stick loaf pans with Pam or other spray oil. Place all dry ingredients (Flour, Soda, Salt, Cinnamon and Sugar) into a large mixing bowl. Blend ingredients together, and make a deep well in the center. In this well, add other ingredients (Pumpkin, Eggs and Oil). Stir carefully and pour into loaf pans. Bake one hour and 10 minutes, or until test stick comes out clean.


Oh, Beth Dutton. How I love you. She is my spirit animal. Is it sad that Reid agrees with this fact? After months of not having a show that we both love to watch, we are currently knee deep in binge-watching Yellowstone. We are midway through season 2, and I would imagine we will be done with all of the episodes by Christmas. I LOVE THIS SHOW! Have you watched it? So, so great! Just a FYI that this is definitely rated R . . .


That’s all I have for today. I am working on some gift guides, the November Book Review, and some other fun treats coming up in the next couple of weeks!

Have a great weekend! XO

~ Shawna
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