Mother’s Day

I love all holidays.  Especially those holidays where you get to spoil people that you love.  Harlan’s half birthday was on Monday, and he had a giant brownie with candles!  So, we are big holiday and birthday people in the Beucler house! We got Duke, our sweet first dog, in the summer of 2004, just before we got married.  We then got Tahoe in the spring of 2005, to give Duke a friend.  So, that May, I celebrated my first Mothers Day.  Duke and Tahoe “bought” me flowers, and Reid took me to lunch to celebrate.  We are cheesy people . . . no shame. By the time Mothers Day of 2007 rolled around, I was pregnant with Harlan, and was truly celebrating becoming an actual mom.  Not just a dog mom!  My minister at the time, the amazing Mark Craig, always said that if you wanted to have kids, “Motherhood is a calling from God”. And, I truly believe that.  It is hard, but oh so rewarding.

As the years went on, and as the miscarriages started adding up, Mothers Day sermons started to take on a whole new feel.  Yes, let’s celebrate moms.  And, yes, I am so blessed with my sweet baby boy.  But, the desire of my heart is to grow my family, and God doesn’t seem like he is listening to me.  Every Mothers Day sermon I have ever been to, in a prayer that is said or in a comment during the sermon, love is given to those that have lost a mom or those that want to be a mother, and are having trouble.  For years, I heard that and moved on.  But now, wow, it pierces the heart.

Here is an old school picture of me and my boys.  I had only had 8 miscarriages at this point.  Ahhh . . . so innocent.

If you have never gone through infertility issues, had a miscarriage, or held an angel baby before handing her off, Mothers Day is just . . . Mothers Day.  A wonderful excuse to celebrate the mothers in your life, and to let your kids and husband spoil you just a bit. If you have experienced any or all of these things, Mothers Day takes on a new meaning.

On this Mothers Day, for all of you moms out there .  . . Happy Mothers Day.  I hope that you have an amazing day enjoying your family, get some flowers, and maybe even be able to go to the bathroom by yourself (you moms can definitely understand that . . . why is it that my kids don’t need me until I am in the bathroom?).

For those of you that are struggling with infertility. For those of you that have babies in Heaven.  For those of you that thought you would be a mom by now.  Sweet friends, I pray for you.  Mothers Day will never be a day just filled with joy.  I promise that the joy comes, but it is so often a reminder of the struggles, the hopes, and the losses. I pray that you feel peace and comfort this Sunday.  And, above all, hope and love.

This Mothers Day is the first one since we lost Sophie. I plan to soak up as much time with my little guys as possible, and focus on the miracles and blessings around me.  So, I am hoping for a little coffee delivery in bed.  Possibly some roses.  Or a GloPro . . . or a gift card to Ulta.  Reid? Hint, hint!

I will be thinking about all of you this Sunday! The moms and the moms in waiting! XO

~ Shawna
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