Taking Care of Business . . . YOU!

So, I had an entirely different post ready to go for today, and then just decided to change it up last minute.  I was walking out of a 15 minute check up with a doctor pretty pumped about a clean bill of health, and just got inspired about self care.  If you know me well, I am a crazy person about getting everyone in my life to be and stay healthy.  I could use my psychology minor and try to dive down and explain why that probably is the case, but we can save that for another time over a glass of wine.

When my friends and I were coming home from our recent girls trip in Sonoma, we joked that I have no idea how any of their children are doing, but I know about their skin care and health care regimens! We spent so much time talking about how we decompress in the midst of craziness, how we try to take care of our skin, how we try to no eat too many processed foods, etc.  We all try, and have the best intentions, but then life happens, kids baseball games happen, and you are wondering why you don’t feel your best, why you are exhausted, and why that zit won’t go away.  Maybe that is just me?

So, the check up I had this morning was with my cardiologist.  Yes, I am 41 and have a cardiologist.  I had a pretty rough case of pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy) with Harlan way back in 2007, and he was delivered 5 weeks early.  Thankfully he was fine, but it took quite awhile for my blood pressure to regulate and for my mental state to not be so shaky.  It totally freaked me out.  I saw this meme while writing this post, and I laughed out loud.

That was me! I had to break up with Web MD around 2010 so that I truly didn’t drive myself (or Reid) crazy! Infertility can make you anxious, and I was on the train to crazy town.  So, I have had this cardiologist for a decade.  I go in every couple of years for a check up, it lasts 15 minutes or so, and I am sent on my way with him saying he will see me whenever I want to come back in.  Which is every two years.  Because I am crazy.  And, speaking of crazy . . . here is another meme I saw that cracked me up.

This is basically what he should have said to me this morning, but thankfully didn’t.  I have been loving my Squeezed Online juice cleanses, but my mimosa game was a bit over the top this weekend.  I think Reid was a bit concerned this weekend may have some highs and lows for all of us, so he came prepared with mimosas.

So, I wanted to do a post about taking care of ourselves.  Not our kids.  Not our husbands.  Not our co-workers.  Just us.  How do you guys take care of yourselves? It can be simple.  Taking the time to read a book, going to bed earlier, meditating . . .

I think that there are three things I have done that help me maintain my sanity in my life.

1.       Regular DR visits.  I think that it is SO important to take care of your health! If you don’t do this, please make an appointment today.  Your loved ones will thank you.

2.       I have realized over the years that I need a moment to myself in the morning before everyone gets up.  A few mornings a week, that means I am walking the dog down to Starbucks at 5:15am.  Other mornings, I just get up at 6am and have a moment.  It gives me time to say some prayers or read a quick devotional.  It gives me time to have some coffee.  If I sleep in and let the kids wake me up, it makes me frazzled and messes with my day.  Such a simple thing, but for me, self care!

3.       This is such a treat, but I became of Founding Member of Hiatus Spa when it opened in Inwood Village years ago! When it first opened, I paid $49/month, and was able to go in and have one of four amazing services for free.  Yes, that $49 paid for those services, but at a very discounted rate! I believe that the member rate now is $69/month, which is still amazing.  Such an excuse to make time for yourself once a month and relax.  Such a treat!

There are SO many other things that I need to be doing a better job of: eating less sugar, giving up red meat, working out more consistently.  Those are just a few. I would LOVE to hear what you guys do.  I am always up for trying new things.  Send me some suggestions!

I also just want to make a quick mention of Mothers Day.  I spent some time in prayer for all of you moms out there that wish things were a bit different.  Infertility struggles, miscarriages, losing a child, losing a mom.  I am sure most of you had a smile on your face much of yesterday, but there is nothing wrong with feeling a twinge of heartache in the midst of the celebrations.  I hope that you all felt love on Sunday! XOXO

~ Shawna
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