Books, JT, and a Winner

Hi everyone! I hope that you all had a very Happy Memorial Day! I know that I am a day late, but many thanks to those who are serving, have served, or have a family member that has served. Thank you so much for your service!

Before I get going on a few random topics . . . the “Treat Yourself” Giveaway winner is listed at the bottom of this post!!!!!!


Before we discuss anything else . . . JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE IS AMAZING!

My best friend and I went to see Justin Timberlake last night.  Y’all.  It was somewhat of a religious experience.  He has such a gift for entertaining people, and I love him.  Not like in an inappropriate way, but more like the “I want to be close enough to exchange Christmas gifts, and have he and Jessica come over and drink some wine with me while our kids are playing together in the backyard” kind of way.  Reid says that makes me sound like a stalker.  I disagree.  Justin . . . have your wife call me to schedule a playdate.



I am so amazed when people can read a handful of books a month.  I love to read, but I have to carve out the time to do so.  I have been known to get through a few chapters, and then just stop for good.  If it doesn’t grab me at the beginning, I’m done.  And, it has to be entertaining without me needing a box of tissues to get through it.  I have been through enough in my own life to want to live through someone else’s tragedy.  A friend talked me into reading The Lovely Bones in college.  Don’t do it, people.  It still haunts me!

So, when I do find an entertaining book, I typically lose sleep, ignore family from time to time, and get through it in about 48 hours.  Over the last month, I have found TWO books that I am obsessed with.  Like, can’t get out of my head, obsessed with.  Perfect summer reads for the beach, the pool, or lounging on your couch!

The Last Mrs. Parrish by Liv Constantine

WOWZA! I was so into this book, that every time I had to stop reading it, I would tell Reid everything that I had just read.  He got so into the book by me just retelling the story! It has twists and turns, makes you confused, makes you angry, makes you smile, and just stays with you LONG after you have read it.  You need this book in your life! Click here to by it for you, your friend, your mom, your neighbor . . . anyone! Please read this so I can talk about it with someone other than Reid.  I think he has heard enough about the Parrish Family!


Now That You Mention It by Kristan Higgins

I bought this book months ago to take on my girls trip, and never cracked it open.  I grabbed it to take on our trip up to Chicago this weekend, and was not disappointed.  This is an easy read, but with lots of depth about how we grow up and who we were as a teenager can sometimes still impact us today.  It is just a great story of growing into the best version of yourself.  Juicy story.  I loved it.  I may have read it until the wee hours of the morning at my inlaw’s house to the flashlight of my iPhone.  It is that good! Click here to get it for your summer reading list!

Okay . . . now for my FIRST giveaway winner!  It is @lmhenderson11! Lauren – Congratulations!!! You just won a gift card to Starbucks, a gift card to Resort Pass, a gift card to Liz & Honey, a gift card to Hiatus, and a bottle of the new, amazing BeautyCounter sunscreen.  Congratulations! Send me an email to claim your prize!

Have a great Tuesday everyone! See you back on Thursday! XO

~ Shawna
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