Summer is for . . . NETFLIX

Back in the day before we were finally blessed with kids, and even when they were little, Reid and I had “our shows”! We loved a good show, and I am sure you guys are the same.  I watched every episode of Lost, and watched the finale twice.  I stayed into that show after it jumped the shark in season 3, and am still left trying to figure out if Jack was dreaming, if he was rescued and all is well, or if he is still out on that island waiting for someone to rescue him.  I would probably watch the finale again today if I could find it.  I loved that show.

But, as the years have passed, my school year evenings are spent at a baseball diamond (Harlan and Jackson) or at a golf course (Jackson).  Please note that I WOULD NOT CHANGE THIS FOR ANYTHING! But, our TV viewing isn’t what it used to be.  After being an avid Scandal fan for years, I currently have 17 episodes DVR’d and waiting for me.  No one tell me if Olivia and Fitz get together in Vermont.  I need to watch them! At some point.  Most shows that are now watched: anything sports related, The Voice.  That’s it.  Jackson loves Adam Levine.

Last summer after we lost Sophie, we were too depressed to do much of anything once we got the boys down for the night.  When the crying got annoying, we decided to turn our attention to something much healthier! Binge watching a new TV show!!!! Our cousins told us about Suits, and we breezed through two and half seasons of that over the course of the summer.  I believe that we still have four seasons to go, but now that Meghan Markle (she played Rachel on Suits) is off the show, we kind of knows how it ends.  I preferred watching her during the Royal Wedding anyway.  By the way, I still want to be a princess.  I am trying to convince Reid to start speaking in an English accent full time.  Currently, he is refusing.

So, this summer, we have decided to be healthy binge watchers again! I need to finish those darn Scandal episodes, but Reid says he is over it.  So, we need to a new show we can watch together! What should we watch?

  • We never saw Breaking Bad, and I really don’t know much about it. Is it worth it?
  • Someone recommended Ozark, but then I heard it was too dark. Thoughts?
  • I heard Wild West is an amazing documentary. Boring or interesting?
  • Should we re-watch The Office? I still love Jim. My sister in law thinks it is because he looks like Reid.  I don’t see it.

Comment here, email me, text me, or call me with recommendations! Besides taping our family favorite (America’s Got Talent) to watch on the weekends, we don’t have anything else to watch.  Summer for us starts next week, so send me some Netflix options!

~ Shawna
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