My Oxford Year

Hey y’all.  Happy Thursday.  We are headed to Nags Head, North Carolina this morning to visit family for several days.  We are so excited to get out of the Texas 105 degree heat, and into the high 80s of the Outer Banks of North Carolina.  Its the little things.  BUT . . . before jumping on a plane, I have to tell all of you to read this post, and then do yourself a favor and order My Oxford Year by Julia Whelan IMMEDIATELY!

A blogger I follow posted a few of her recent favorite books on Monday, which was perfect as I was needing a couple of options for the trip.  She mentioned that My Oxford Year reminded her of The Royal We, and I was sold.  (Quick side note: If you have not read The Royal We, get that one as well! I loved it.)  I picked up my book selections while I was out and about on Monday morning, and started it that afternoon so that I could get a feel for it.  Fast forward 24 hours later, and the book is finished.  I had very little sleep and my kids probably thought that I had a horrible stomach bug for all of the times that I was hiding out in the bathroom to read.  I just couldn’t put it down.

The story is based in Europe, mostly at Oxford.  It is about an American woman that attends Oxford for a year after earning the Rhodes Scholarship.  It definitely has that chick lit feel, but has a layer of more depth to it.  It made me laugh out loud, made my heart skip a beat from time to time, and even had me shedding a couple of tears.  I think that I will be thinking about this book for days to come.  It is that good.  And obviously a super quick read! Do yourself a favor and read this book! Click here to get it!

Okay . . . off to Nags Head! Check me out on my Lunchbox Babies Instagram page, and I will try to my hardest to not over post my vacation pictures!  Have a great rest of your week! XO

~ Shawna
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