Birthday Month!

Happy Wednesday, friends!

First, and most importantly . . . did you check out Monday’s November Book Review?

Click here to check it out! Four GREAT books, and the perfect addition to your Christmas gift list.

Now, today’s post is SUPER short and random.

The BIG news today is that it is December 2nd! Woohoo! My favorite month of the year for two reasons: (1) It is Christmas time, and I LOVE this time of year, and (2) It is my Birthday Month!! December 23rd, people!

I saw this quote today, and LOVE it. Gives me Beth Dutton vibes, which you know is my spirit animal. Ha! Poor Reid. #Yellowstone

For the last couple of years, I have spent almost every day of December giving my Birthday Favorites over on my Lunchbox Babies Instagram Page,. Some were products, some were experiences. But, all were things that I loved and wanted to share with you!

This year, I am bumping it up just a bit on the fun factor. I will be sharing daily deals on my favorite things AND a giveaway for two. So, definitely join in on the fun over on my Instagram Page.

I promise it won’t be all . . .

I mean, maybe a little bit since that is accurate. But, follow along, and would love to hear your favorites as well. Send them my way!

So, since it is my birthday month and this post is super random, here is a list of facts about me. I know so many of you that read this don’t know me personally, so I thought this would be fun to throw this in here today. Some you may know, but some you may not.


1. I love coffee. I am a Starbucks purist. Over shelter-in-place, I made coffee at home every morning and truly felt that I had found a way to be smarter and save money. This lasted until about mid-July. I am currently sitting here with a venti Starbucks cup in my hand. I should apologize for this, but I can’t. I love Starbucks. Nothing else compares.

2. I almost gave away one of my dogs within the first few months of having him. He was literally Satan on wheels, and was the WORST puppy EVER. Think kids bleeding on a daily basis from his puppy teeth, unusual hyperactive behavior, and literally peeing ALL THROUGH THE HOUSE for months. It was horrible. But, we kept him. We loved him through it. We gave him the middle name “Ferdinand” because he is truly a bull in a china shop. But, now three years later, this is my current view of my sweet, giant love bug . . . sweet Tank Ferdinand Beucler.

3. I LOVED Saved by the Bell as a kid. Loved it. I had a poster of Zach Morris and AC Slater on my wall, and truly felt that I was going to marry Mark-Paul Gosselaar one day. I would literally doodle the name “Shawna Gosselaar” in my notebooks. Thankfully, Reid has accepted this about me. 😉

4. I still hate salmon. THE WORST.

5. I LOVE to read. There is something about disappearing into another world that is so comforting. I read mostly in carpool, late at night, and while drying my hair. Chick lit books are my jam for when I just need to decompress, but I also love a good suspenseful book. I have tried the self-help and auto-biographical type of books, but can’t seem to get into them. I guess I just want to be entertained when reading . . . not think too much. In the last few months, I have started and stopped THREE books. That never happens to me, as I always fight through them. I may pick them back up again at some point, we shall see . . .

6. I grew up dancing with the dream of being an officer of my local high school’s drill team. I did it, and have such fond memories. I even managed to possibly win a “high kick off” with a family member’s girlfriend earlier this year. There is video proof of this event. It was amazing, and I was (shockingly) able to walk the next day! Although I am sore just thinking about this right now. Ha!

7. I love all things Christmas. The Starbucks Christmas cups, the ridiculous Christmas sweaters, the Elf of the Shelf, the movies, the songs, the smores by the fire. ALL OF IT! We do tradition big here in the Beucler House. Such fun even during this crazy 2020!

Also . . . please meet Boo-Boo, the elf. He is currently hanging out in the Christmas tree today. And, yes, that is a football ornament. #boymom

8. I go through random obsessions with food. Last year, I was obsessed with peanut butter and had it every day. This year, it’s hard-boiled eggs. It is a rough smell, friends. But, oh so yummy.

9. I love all products. If you tell me that something will work, I will probably try it. If I love something, I tell EVERYONE. So, make sure to tune into my Birthday Month Deals on my Lunchbox Babies Instagram page this month!

10. And, last, but DEFINITELY not least . . . I am very, very thankful for my sweet family. Reid and I spent over a decade fighting to grow our family, and then deciding what it should look like. Well, it looks like this, and I am so blessed to call them all mine. Infertility is hard and miscarriage is even harder, but this is what my version looks like on the other side of that pain. Just pure joy! Love my people!

That’s it for today, friends. Super short and sweet. Make sure to check out my Lunchbox Babies Instagram feed this month! XO

~ Shawna
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